The Incredible has the same features, it's a Droid phone, just faster and better, with a better screen, it uses AMOLED tech. which is brighter with more saturated colors ans better in sunlight, it does not wash out like TFT screens, which the Moto has.What do you expect to see in the next 3 months. Next week I can FINALLY upgrade, but do I? I have to decide, but if some more cool things are coming out in the next few months, I could probably wait. I would want to have an idea of what I was waiting for.opcorn:
In three months there will other newer, better, faster, sexier phones almost ready to come out. And six months from now...etc.
If you're not wedded to a physical keyboard, you're unlikely to see a better android phone from Verizon for the next six to nine months.
The bottom line is that the Incredible is a more finished consumer device with the more powerful processor required to deliver that experience. If that appeals to you, go for it. If you'd rather have a device that appeals to geeks who like to play around with their phone's features, stick with the Droid.
I just love it when people talk out of their ass (Cybertec)... As per the screen being better.. Neither the N1 or Incredible beats the Droids screen.. (Engadget said its currently the best Android phone in America though)
And I quote from Engadget!
"Another somewhat major issue that we struggled with on the Incredible (just as we did on the Nexus One) was the awful screen visibility in bright daylight. We had numerous occasions where we simply could not answer a call or take a picture due to the AMOLED display's poor showing outdoors. In overcast settings(such as the one above) it was usually bearable, and If you crank the brightness all the way up on sunnier days you can get some visibility, though once you're outside and can't see the display, that's a bit of a challenge. In all honesty, we love certain aspects of these screens, but we're perplexed as to why HTC continues to use this same display when it's clear the daylight performance is hamstrung."
Droid Incredible review -- Engadget
Here's to growing more with the release of another awesome Android phone!!!