Verizon's HTC Incredible Specs Released

Is Sprint's 4G 4G LTE? Like do they use sim cards? Or is it still cdma based or whatever (yeah I don't know much about it lol :B)
They can talk and hype it up all they want, to get fully functional 4G network up and running it will require billions of upgrade dollars, and let me guess who will be paying for it "the consumer", do some more real research, and not some news quotes from the carriers themselves, I guess ignorance is bliss.

You know what?
Perhaps your the ignorant one here.
I said LAUNCH...not establish a full 4g connection. No one said that that 4g will be 100% ready by this year of the next or whatever.
It seems like your ADD has kicked in when you read that stuff. It says they STARTED to get 4G in. Got that?

Quit reading what YOU want to read to prove your case.
All i said, is that it was RUMORED.Thas not a fact.

And I dont have to do additional research. I am consumer waiting for it.
And if my carrier announces that they will have 4g handsets coming at the end of the year, that is all my concern.

So grow up and make sure your reading it right before you come out calling people ignorant, when only YOU can recognize who is or not.
Take that for what its worth and quit wasting peoples time about dumb ****.
you are the one who started this 4G nonsense, seriously, who cares.

uh no...i just said it was rumored to come out.
You had to fire back out of nowhere.
So...i believe you made an argument out of it.

And thats great that YOU dont care, yet, YOUR the one who pointed it out. :icon_rolleyes:

But i am sure now that the Incredible is out and as good as the phone could be while the next Android to be released is the EVO 4G.
People are interested. I like the Incredible. But not for me right now.
Is Sprint's 4G 4G LTE? Like do they use sim cards? Or is it still cdma based or whatever (yeah I don't know much about it lol :B)

It is Wi-Max which I believe is cdma based, but I could be wrong about that.
Is Sprint's 4G 4G LTE? Like do they use sim cards? Or is it still cdma based or whatever (yeah I don't know much about it lol :B)

It is Wi-Max which I believe is cdma based, but I could be wrong about that.

Hmm interesting...I thought I read that 4G LTE was using sim cards and would be the universal data connectiong type? I dunno lol, Is Verizon's 4G network going to require sim cards? I'd really love it if my phone could work in other parts of the world.
It is Wi-Max which I believe is cdma based, but I could be wrong about that.

Hmm interesting...I thought I read that 4G LTE was using sim cards and would be the universal data connectiong type? I dunno lol, Is Verizon's 4G network going to require sim cards? I'd really love it if my phone could work in other parts of the world.

AFAIK Sprint is one of the only major carriers to pick Wi-Max over LTE. Sorry, I don't know if LTE will require a sim card or not, but since vzw's partner Vodaphone is also going with LTE for 4G I would hope you could at least use your vzw phone on their network.
has flash.........where is flash for my droid:icon_evil:

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