I believe so. Flash 10.1 is reliant on the device having 2.1 or higher.When flash comes, will it only be on 2.1 and later?
anyone else thinking pr0n? hehe :icon_ banana::icon_ banana::icon_ devil:
Dont even tell me at least 435435 on here hasn't thought about it.
Im up for the live web cams to,no more stuipid ad covered apps. I have a feeling ill notice a big bog down tho,at least for meanyone else thinking pr0n? hehe :icon_ banana::icon_ banana::icon_ devil:
Dont even tell me at least 435435 on here hasn't thought about it.
Mostly I am thinking it will open the door to many possibilities web, games, APP's and more.
Personally I do not need to watch porn, it is all either fake, or just nasty.
Think about the live web cams, weather animation, embedded video, internet television (actual live stuff, not 3 week old streamed garbage), DVR capabilities directly on the phone.
Those who say we won't reach a 5GB cap with flash must be insane. Any media lover is going to kill that 5GB limit with flash.
Those who say we won't reach a 5GB cap with flash must be insane. Any media lover is going to kill that 5GB limit with flash.
I don't want to go too off topic, but you guys/gals are aware that the 5GB cap only applies to mobile data connect cards, mifi's and the like. As long as you are engaging in normal usage (not tethering/botting) there is no restriction (or at least I cannot find any documentation that states other than unlimited).
Related forum thread: http://www.droidforums.net/forum/droid-general-discussions/58-data-plan-required-answer-yes-4.html
VZW acceptible usage: http://www.verizonwireless.com/b2c/footer/acceptableuse.jsp
I am soooo looking forward to streaming anime on droid!!!
The 4G there talking about is connecting computers t the verzon system which is limited to 5Gig as mentioned , the droid plan is not limited
No, 4G is the forth generation network, which is rumored to be WiMAX. It will be faster and supposedly more accommodating...yet they are wanting to punish those of us that decide to move with the times.
As for the "bandwidth hogs"....once flash comes out that will be every smartphone user! You can easily bag 100MB in one web site! Phone companies need to accept that pandora's box has been opened and convergence is here in full force! It is their responsibility to build up the networks to deal with the data traffic...it is not the users problem is they are overusing their "unlimited" data plan.
I am in favor of a capped and tiered system. You pay for the level of service you want. Cable companies have been doing this for years.