I am in favor of a capped and tiered system. You pay for the level of service you want. Cable companies have been doing this for years.
Apples and oranges, man. Your cable company won't send you a bill for $0.50 for every minute you watched TV beyond your 1000 minute TV plan.
While I agree that tiered systems should be considered, I think the unlimited plan should be available.
Oh, and I also think it's asinine for Verizon to say the unlimited data plan is unlimited, until you reach a certain limit. ummmm....what?
The hell it is apples and oranges. Cable charges you for the services that you use. If I opt out of HD, DVR, and showtime, then do I still pay for it? Those that use more, pay more.
Furthermore, when Verizon says unlimited it's unlimited. If its 5gig, then they say its 5gig. My netbook has 5gig service, while my Droid has unlimited gig service.