[Video] Swype - a revolution on typing

wuyanks... it only showed up as html code.... no link.... And I read it wrong.... "How about 'that' Better Keyboard?" keyword being that... which does make it amusing :)

I was refering to SlideIT keyboard.... but after some research, it appears some Android devices won't work with Swype because of screen size, so SlideIT might be a viable alternative.

ironically, i'm going to give SlideIT a try later ... the video looked interesting
OK, I must be really stupid. I downloaded Swype again. I move my finger along the keyboard to "type" and nothing shows up on the screen. Well, occasionally i get a bunch of incorrect letters. How hard do you need to press on the screen keyboard? Do you have to press harder when you scroll over the letters that you want? am I just too frekin stupid? I watched the tutorial. I didn't see anything special about how to make this work.

I don't think capacitive touch screens are pressure sensitive, so I don't think it has anything to do with your pressure. Did you try rebooting your phone and seeing if that worked? Or rebooting with a battery pull, sometimes this fixes problems that arise from installing new programs. If that doesn't work maybe the installation became wonky, try re-installing it again.
+1 give what he said a shot. should solve your issues.
Every once in a while the Swype keyboard won't produce letters in the text field.... (it is still beta afterall) Simple fix I found was to 'back' out of whatever app I'm in an re-open (even though it doesn't really close). This seems to work for me :)
I'm really liking swype in portrait orientation. I'm usually a hunt-and-peck typist so it took a little while to get used to, but as soon as the qwerty layout in that space got internalized, I got pretty fast. I like it better than shapewriter for interface reasons.

I may actually start taking notes on my droid now. =)
you dont have to unselect android keyboard. if you keep both selected you can hold the text box and the option for swype wil come up, and whenever you wanna go back hold the text box again and select android for input selection.
yup yup. which makes it very easy to use Swype for texting, even some web browsing... but if you need the regular keyboard, maybe to enter a username or what not... it's a simple long press away !

when i have to enter weird things, the swype keyboard still works fine for single pressing keys...
0.0 wow..... If you tried shapewriter and got turned off you better still give swype a shot cause they are not even in the same timezone after using both swype is just amazing
Probably a dumb question, but has anyone figured out how to close the keyboard, for example if you need to see underneath the keyboard on the screen.
Probably a dumb question, but has anyone figured out how to close the keyboard, for example if you need to see underneath the keyboard on the screen.

the back key seems to work just fine for doing that on my moto droid might be differnt on a differnt model though
Probably a dumb question, but has anyone figured out how to close the keyboard, for example if you need to see underneath the keyboard on the screen.

the back key seems to work just fine for doing that on my moto droid might be differnt on a differnt model though

told ya it was a dumb question I feel dumb for even asking now without trying the back button. thanks
one thing im finding usful is when you have the word option box pop up hitting backspace will close it and let you reswype i kept hitting the back key and closing the keyboard to do then having to reopen it
Great app!

Would love to see a speech recognition feature as an option with the Swype keyboard
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I've been running this app through its paces most of the afternoon and it is SCARY how accurate it is. It's even picking up on people's first and last names - maybe because they're in my contacts - I don't know.

This may very well be the most useful app I've downloaded yet.