[LEFT] It was a matter of time before vzw made this move and I sort of applaud them. [B]Though I find it ridiculous that a carrier can charge me twice for using the same data[/B], because whether a person view a site on a phone or computer they are using the same data (bigger screen size don't equal more data). I also think many people in our community abused it. There is a difference between tethering every now and then and racking up outrageous amounts of data through tethering. [B]So kiss this app good bye for you will not be able to install it on verizon phones from the market.[/B]
I am not one to normally hate, but this thread was constructed very poorly.
Your title says no more free tethering on VZW network. But what you meant to say was PDAnet has been removed from the market, period.
Instead you make a vague statement that would have some think VZW has somehow disabled free tethering, which we all know they didn't. There are other app's besides PDAnet that can do this, and it's not like you can't get the app outside the market, I mean shoot, most of the best app's are not on the market.
Secondly you say "Though I find it ridiculous that a carrier can charge me twice for using the same data" making it sound like with the non-VZW app's you will get charged twice, but actually it's only if your stupid enough to pay the $20 a month for 2 gig's of tethering from BigRed themselves.
Sorry to be such a bummer on this, but the thread title and structure are just extremely poor and misleading.