Well, interesting if Wireless tether and barnacle are still out there, because they require root (which probably less than 5% of users have done). But if you want to take a chunk out of abuse, the non-rooted people abusing pda.net is a good starting place.
Also, all data is not the same. If you switch user agent on your phone to computer and tether, the same webpages are going to download more data. Screen size does matter - more pixels = more data. I know, for example, that a netflix movie on a smartphone is compressed to like 150megs, but the same movie on a PC is compressed to only like 2gigs.
So, aside from consuming much more data, naturally, when you take away the natural constraint of screen size, that PC is going to take more data in cases of movies and some webpage content/flash. Now, I FULLY agree if data plans are capped then VZW shouldn't care - tethering should be included, or even techinically if your usage is reasonable (say <5gigs overall). But there clearly is a problem with unlimited data EXCLUSIVELY on your phone and now using much more data than reasonable because you're tethering other devices. It's like one person going to an all you can eat buffet and then bringing their 5 children eating off the same plate, the latter consumes more.
Anyway, do I applaud this move? Yes and no. I'll reserve judgement. I want to occasionally be able to tether in a pinch, very reasonable and minimal usage. If they just target those using this as a home broadband replacement, then I'm all for it. And, sorry, but 2 gigs (for $20) is both ridiculously overpriced and pretty useless. They obviously do that solely to get people needing more to bump to a min. of $50 for 5gig data card (nothing in between or scaled). So I see the logic but it's not very consumer friendly.
No need for a data card with an LTE smartphone and they need to develop plans to reflect that.
Also, all data is not the same. If you switch user agent on your phone to computer and tether, the same webpages are going to download more data. Screen size does matter - more pixels = more data. I know, for example, that a netflix movie on a smartphone is compressed to like 150megs, but the same movie on a PC is compressed to only like 2gigs.
So, aside from consuming much more data, naturally, when you take away the natural constraint of screen size, that PC is going to take more data in cases of movies and some webpage content/flash. Now, I FULLY agree if data plans are capped then VZW shouldn't care - tethering should be included, or even techinically if your usage is reasonable (say <5gigs overall). But there clearly is a problem with unlimited data EXCLUSIVELY on your phone and now using much more data than reasonable because you're tethering other devices. It's like one person going to an all you can eat buffet and then bringing their 5 children eating off the same plate, the latter consumes more.
Anyway, do I applaud this move? Yes and no. I'll reserve judgement. I want to occasionally be able to tether in a pinch, very reasonable and minimal usage. If they just target those using this as a home broadband replacement, then I'm all for it. And, sorry, but 2 gigs (for $20) is both ridiculously overpriced and pretty useless. They obviously do that solely to get people needing more to bump to a min. of $50 for 5gig data card (nothing in between or scaled). So I see the logic but it's not very consumer friendly.
No need for a data card with an LTE smartphone and they need to develop plans to reflect that.