czerdrill and poontab. Here's what you guys need to do. czerdrill you visit poontab's page. Look around for the ignore button. Press it. Poontab you should do the same with czerdrill.
Then you won't see each other at all and the Forum will be a much nicer place not only for you but for the moderators and members too.
czerdrill and poontab. Here's what you guys need to do. czerdrill you visit poontab's page. Look around for the ignore button. Press it. Poontab you should do the same with czerdrill.
Then you won't see each other at all and the Forum will be a much nicer place not only for you but for the moderators and members too.
So you're telling me that the tether-ers when signing up for their CELLPHONE plan, honestly thought that their CELLPHONE plan included Verizon as a replacement for their ISP? They were essentially in the market for an ISP and for cell service and figured "hey i can kill two birds with one stone this way!!"...gimme a break.
Anyone who tries to argue that they weren't told upfront that their data plan didn't include a replacement for their ISP is a moron, straight up.
A MORON would assume that a person that tethers automatically abuses it. FYI I originally had easy tether. And though it was at my disposal and still is I very rarely use. By the way I also had the 20 mobile hotspot which I used a lot more often than the easy tether.But I like having the option to. I just rooted my phone yesterday so yes I now have wifi tether. Yes even a moron can root a phone apparently. So stop making assumptions. Some of us like to have options. Feel free to limit yourself as much as your wireless carrier does
Sent from my DROID2 using DroidForums
where did i assume that everyone that tethers abuses it? obviously the only people who are screaming "data is data!!" and "unlimited!!!!!" are the ones that are tethering it. I thought it was pretty clear that those are the people I'm talking to...sorry I didn't hold your hand while you read my post...
"Feel free to limit yourself as much as your wireless carrier does" mean, not knowingly break the contract i signed? Ok...i will. Feel free to whine like a child cuz you don't get your way.
A MORON would assume that a person that tethers automatically abuses it. FYI I originally had easy tether. And though it was at my disposal and still is I very rarely use. By the way I also had the 20 mobile hotspot which I used a lot more often than the easy tether.But I like having the option to. I just rooted my phone yesterday so yes I now have wifi tether. Yes even a moron can root a phone apparently. So stop making assumptions. Some of us like to have options. Feel free to limit yourself as much as your wireless carrier does
Sent from my DROID2 using DroidForums
where did i assume that everyone that tethers abuses it? obviously the only people who are screaming "data is data!!" and "unlimited!!!!!" are the ones that are tethering it. I thought it was pretty clear that those are the people I'm talking to...sorry I didn't hold your hand while you read my post...
"Feel free to limit yourself as much as your wireless carrier does" mean, not knowingly break the contract i signed? Ok...i will. Feel free to whine like a child cuz you don't get your way.
obviously that is an assumption.....i have never used the tethering and i agree with them
Those who abused tethering racking up huge data use is most likely the reason why Verizon is getting rid of the unlimited data plan. They might as well continue racking up the GBs because they won't be able to soon enough.
Those who abused tethering racking up huge data use is most likely the reason why Verizon is getting rid of the unlimited data plan. They might as well continue racking up the GBs because they won't be able to soon enough.
Yes, eat as much chinese food as you want, because the buffet is about to shut down!
I guess VZW gave their customers the benefit of the doubt..."There's no way this can be misconstrued to mean unlimited data for every device on the planet that you can think of, Bob!"...guess they have to realize that their customers clearly are not as smart as they thought they were.
Not every device on the planet. Just MY phone and MY laptop. In any event as long as I can do it I will. Glad to see you're intelligence level is higher than mine. If verizon ever questions me about tethering I will be sure to cop to stupidity my non tethering brethren
Sent from my DROID2 using DroidForums
i guess you people who tether just love to nitpick huh? now i gotta re-examine my giving you the benefit of the doubt. "there's no way they could think when i say "every device on the planet" that i literally meant "every device on the planet", right Bob??"...guess not.
Those who abused tethering racking up huge data use is most likely the reason why Verizon is getting rid of the unlimited data plan. They might as well continue racking up the GBs because they won't be able to soon enough.
Not every device on the planet. Just MY phone and MY laptop. In any event as long as I can do it I will. Glad to see you're intelligence level is higher than mine. If verizon ever questions me about tethering I will be sure to cop to stupidity my non tethering brethren
Sent from my DROID2 using DroidForums
i guess you people who tether just love to nitpick huh? now i gotta re-examine my giving you the benefit of the doubt. "there's no way they could think when i say "every device on the planet" that i literally meant "every device on the planet", right Bob??"...guess not.
My point was I don't even own a home computer as I'm constantly on the road. No need for it . Therefore the afore-mentioned 2 devices
Sent from my DROID2 using DroidForums
where did i assume that everyone that tethers abuses it? obviously the only people who are screaming "data is data!!" and "unlimited!!!!!" are the ones that are tethering it. I thought it was pretty clear that those are the people I'm talking to...sorry I didn't hold your hand while you read my post...
"Feel free to limit yourself as much as your wireless carrier does" mean, not knowingly break the contract i signed? Ok...i will. Feel free to whine like a child cuz you don't get your way.
obviously that is an assumption.....i have never used the tethering and i agree with them
i believe his quote was "only a moron would assume that a person that tethers automatically abuses it" implying that the "moron" assumes all tether-ers abuse it, right?
my quote: "obviously the only people who are screaming "data is data!!" and "unlimited!!!!!" are the ones that are tethering it." implying that the people who whine about it are the ones abusing it and not every tether-er. do you get the distinction? if not i can try to help you understand it better...
Does anybody have an AndroidCentral account? I don't yet, and I came across and interesting thread there: FYI: Verizon, by law is not allowed to block tethering on 4G devices - Android Forums
The problem is, since I have no account, I can't click on the links to read the entirety of them and dissect through all of the terms and jargon. I DO know that (at least according to anandtech), Verizon does indeed have a nationwide C-block spectrum, but they also have additional B and A spectrum as well.The 2008 auction at which Verizon bought their LTE spectrum requires compliance with open network protocol--see [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
See [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
The terms of this include:
Specifically, a C Block licensee may not block, degrade, or interfere with the ability of end users to download and utilize applications of their choosing on the licensee's C Block network, subject to reasonable network management. We anticipate that wireless service providers will address this requirement by developing reasonable standards, including through participation in standards setting organizations, as discussed below.
In addition, C Block licensees cannot exclude applications or devices solely on the basis that such applications or devices would unreasonably increase bandwidth demands. We anticipate that demand can be adequately managed through feasible facility improvements or technology-neutral capacity pricing that does not discriminate against subscribers using third-party devices or applications.
Nonetheless, it is interesting to see this, and I would like to read more if anybody wouldn't mind re-posting the links here.
Which is why they'll move to tiered pricing.
My guess is you can't just arbitrarily block an app, but it is within your power to block apps that don't adhere to your policies and guidelines. Otherwise, how does the App store exclude apps? How does AT&T block sideloading? VZW could easily argue if these apps include a mechanism/interface whereby they can charge for tethering then the apps wouldn't be blocked.