It's irrelevant (and also I'd make a distinction from reserving the right to stop abuse vs. an automatic and pre-determined "limit" on unlimited).
You have unlimited data ON YOUR PHONE. There's no gray area, tethering is expressly excluded. It IS, in fact, unlimited data on your phone. There are no semantics within the context as stated in the TOS. People want to broaden that context and they have no leg to stand on.
I mean, if I take my phone to Canada I don't have free unlimited data. Same difference. It's unlimited data subject to restrictions, in this case geography while tethering restricts devices.
I hear and understand everything your saying. I guess my thing is that I think they should do away with the term unlimited and let everyone know up front just exactly what they're getting. And not just in the fine print. In regards to your canada analogy doesn't verizon have a calling plan that very directly states its for canada users? And you don't have to look for the fine print. Its listed very distinctly with all the other plans
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So you're telling me that the tether-ers when signing up for their CELLPHONE plan, honestly thought that their CELLPHONE plan included Verizon as a replacement for their ISP? They were essentially in the market for an ISP and for cell service and figured "hey i can kill two birds with one stone this way!!"...gimme a break.
Anyone who tries to argue that they weren't told upfront that their data plan didn't include a replacement for their ISP is a moron, straight up.
who said replacement for there ISP......what if im away on business and dont wanna use the hotel's isnt your cellphone plan either it's your DATA plan that you pay 29.99 for separately from your cellphone plan