VZW Galaxy Nexus Experiencing Signal Issues; Verizon Acknowledges & Working on Fix

I'm having the same problems in RI. I go from 4G to 1X instantly or lose my data connection entirely. It comes back but it's very annoying. I've called verizon numerous times but of course they say that it's the first they have heard of it.

yup, when i called they "hadnt heard of any outages"

i mean, next step for me is getting the screen fixed and warrantying it. But i will be calling them telling them how i switched the sim cards out and still had the same problem.

I mean, i know we're a small sample size, but it has to be a 4g problem on their end somehow.
This is a little frustrating, but it almost has to be a 4g thing. That said, I'm not sure that really is the problem as my Razr has been working great aside from the few days where 4g/LTE was having problems in my area. Now that it seems those issues have been fixed I haven't had a problem with the Razr, but signal strength issues and dropouts have been happening on the Gnex. Then again it took 2+ hours for my Gnex to activate at the VZW store... maybe it was a sign?
I wonder if the GSM version is having signal problems? I know its not 4G but maybe they are having 3g issues?
I haven't had real bad data or signal issues up until today. I've got no 3G or 4G on my Nexus, only thing that's working is wifi, and I just drove 30 minutes to work and its the same out here......I hope its just them working on the towers or something, and not my phone acting up out of no where. I've had this since they released it.
I haven't had real bad data or signal issues up until today. I've got no 3G or 4G on my Nexus, only thing that's working is wifi, and I just drove 30 minutes to work and its the same out here......I hope its just them working on the towers or something, and not my phone acting up out of no where. I've had this since they released it.

Confirmed outage if it makes you feel better...

Mine is -116dBm even though I have 0 bars of 4G now. Is that good?

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk

-65 is about max strength at a tower, -105ish is where signal is lost.
