New Member
Dec 9 wifey and I went VZW from Sprint. She got Moto Droid, I got Eris. We're on the 'Nationwide basic share 700' so it's $60 + $9.99 + $29.99x2 Plus we paid $200 for her phone and $100 for mine. Now I'm seeing all these commercials for 'Buy a Droid get an Eris free' and 'Nationwide unlimited for $69.'
Of course I saw these after we passed our 30 day period but do ya'll think it's possible to get any discount from CS? Would swapping to the new unlimited plan be worth it or is there some 'catch' I'm missing?
You are outside the 30 days so there is no way for you to get any type of discount as far as the phone goes. And as far as the unlimited plans the 69.99 plan is for single line voice only. Family shares are 119.99 for the first 2 lines and 49.99 for each additional secondary line. I would not recommend going up for you because its not going to be worth the money, unless your actually going to need the minutes.
Ok, thanks! I just can't seem to make sense of ANY provider's website...