I have been having the same issue actually on both my n7 and gnex. I haven't changed anything on the ROM side that would affect it. It seemed to be directly related to internet intensive apps. So I narrowed it down to kernel. I have seemed to resolved the problem in the kernel. Here is the kernel I compiled this afternoon. I ran a torrent app(very memory and proc intensive) and Netflix at the same to time for 2 hours tonight with out it shutting down either.
http://projectelite.net/actngrezy/j...nux 3.0.x/ProjectElite_Gnex30x-03_28_2013.zip
I tested both and seem to be good to go. Let me know.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
Thanks Buck! Seems to be working great so far.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2