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Went in to buy an iPhone 4s... but walked out with a Razr.

My daughter and husband both have iPhones but I love android!

I have the bionic, but have had so many problems,Verizon is sending me a razr which should arrive tomorrow. I am really excited after reading the reviews on this phone.

They also offered an iPhone but I quickly declined thar offer!

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
VZW should just drop the iPhone. There were plenty of people that was signed up on the carrier pre-iPhone, and there will be a lot more afterwards. Use the money you are saving to get better phones and invest in better coverage/features (haha) than worrying about the apple fans.
Actually, I'm cool with iPhone being on Verizon. Let it clutter up the 3G towers while the rest of us are in 4G. It's like shoving all the hipsters into coach while the nerds get to fly first class.
Buy Flash Video Browser from the Market. it's only .99 and it lets you access Hulu (and other pages) from there. it tricks Hulu into thinking you're browsing on a desktop computer. it's pretty awesome. Another thing you'll find is that a lot of paid apps that are available in the App Store are free in the Android Market.
I had a similar decision to make myself. I ended up with the Razr for these reasons:
  • Known call quality excellence of Motorola phones
  • The thing was $69 at AmazonWireless (comparable iPhone 4S was $299)
  • Verizon's double-data promo (4 GB for the price of 2 GB) for 4G phones
I will say that the battery, display, and camera are not as good as the iPhone, but this wasn't enough to keep me in the Apple camp. We'll see what iPhone 5 brings, however. :happy3:
My wife has the iphone 4, I think it's to heavy. And now that I'm used to the RAZR, the iphone 4 screen seems tiny, nice quality picture, but tiny.

I think the RAZR camera is the only weak point, when I tap to take the picture, the shot gets moved out of focus. I wish the display button or volume buttons
could snap the pic.

I would agree that the iPhone's camera is better (one of the few things imo) , but i have really liked the Razr's camera. I bought camera ZOOM FX. There are many editing options and if allows you to take a picture with the volume buttons. You might want to try it out.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk
I will say that the battery, display, and camera are not as good as the iPhone, but this wasn't enough to keep me in the Apple camp. We'll see what iPhone 5 brings, however. :happy3:
/Dwightshrutevoice off

The display on the iPhone is superior in one way and one way only: pixel density. Otherwise, it's vastly inferior. It's an IPS LCD made by LG; last-gen tech. Colours aren't as bright and blacks aren't nearly as black as the sAMOLED tech on the RAZR. As for size that's a bit of a preference, but I can't stand the tiny 3.5" screen; I don't think I can go back to a smaller screen after having the 4.3" on the RAZR. For the pixel density, it's only noticeable if you're staring at static text from 2" away. Anything else (video, gaming, etc.) and the RAZR wins.

As for battery, switch the RAZR to 3G only mode (you know, like the iPhone 4S) and the battery is longer lasting than the iPhone 4S. This is even after the fix to iOS 5 (the 4S had horrid battery life when it came out).

The 8MP shooter in the Apple (made by Sony; same one that's in the Xperia Pro) is slightly better than the 8MP in the RAZR, but not by enough to matter. Apple generally oversaturates their images (though a lot less in the 4S than the ridiculous overprocessing the 4 did) so they look more "vibrant;" an easy thing to duplicate on the RAZR with a very little bit of post production. I don't think the difference is really worth noting.

I'm very excited to see what the iPhone 5 brings, because Cupertino's gotten lazy and boring. iOS 4 was lame, and 5 barely made it to Droid Eris on FroYo level (actually, it's even less). I really hope they bring out something bigger than 3.5" (twss) and some LTE love, as well as ditch the old-tech LCD screen. Apple's notorious for jumping on new tech only when it's completely refined, so I guess the 28nm LTE modems coming out and a sAMOLED panel will be in their future. Then, as always, they'll claim they're the first to "get LTE right" and "make a large screen right," even though everyone else will have the same parts from the same vendors on devices coming out soon after (soon after not because Apple came up with the tech and others are copying, which they'll claim, but because Apple will have limited time exclusivity with the hardware vendor/inventor because they order in great quantities).
Since I have been researching phones before buying, started with the moto e815....I always wanted bigger screens.

the iPhone will never get my money unless it had a bigger screen. Granted if it was on Verizon when I got the Droid 1, I may have got it. But a bad, bad experience with the Samsung Omnia 1 ran me to a phone with a physical keyboard.

just for customizing alone, I like Android better than iOS. I do like the apps better on iOS tho..the ones that are available on both just look better right now.

Like it was mentioned, Android has more than enough apps, and hopefully it has ones you like.

Can't think of any must have apps. The RAZR comes with a file manager app and a remote file access app.
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