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What Android Device Do You Think Is Truly Elite?

The Droid 1 will always be the e started an elite phone because it started a movement for me. With that said, I moved up to the Droid X and it is the Porsche of Android phones. Everything about this phone sets it apart from the rest. Screen size, camera, 720 video recording, HDMI output. A very close second is the Droid Incredible. MY wife has that and every time I use it I feel like it is small in comparison to the Droid X, but equally as powerful. Now, I have not had the opportunity to use the Evo, but I am sure it is a great phone as well.
I have the og droid, droid x and fascinate. I love x. Its screen is freaking awesome. We just need to crack that bootloader crap lol

Don't worry nothing is impossible. You will get you're wish soon. dancedroidBut stock is very good isn't. I love it.
I've played with the X, the Dinc, and the D2. All great "phones". I personally feel though that in order to be considered Elite a certain amount of vetting is required. Someone previously posted the idea that even at a year old (a tremendous amount of time when we're talking hardware development) the D1 can still hold it's own against the most recent wave of amazing pants computers. I have to agree. At a year out, and still viable is an accomplishment that deserves recognition. The pure vanilla experience of the Android OS in all of it's open source easily customizable glory makes the greatest flagship model a truly exceptional piece of engineering. Elite isn't about current popularity or flashy new features. What makes something Elite is it's ability to stand the test of time and though overshadowed by the tide of time and inevitable progress, it still manages to maintain a dignity that can only be assumed through originality, a place in history as THE thing that made all it's future offspring worthwhile. That said, there is no comparison. The original Droid is the Elite. It defines it, it's the standard every other has to muster up to in order to even be considered a refined device. It can, will, and quite possibly already has been eclipsed in performance and power, but Elite is class as well as performance and nothing outshines the pinnacle of awesome that is, was, the OG of actually smart phones Everything else began life outclassed.
I've played with the X, the Dinc, and the D2. All great "phones". I personally feel though that in order to be considered Elite a certain amount of vetting is required. Someone previously posted the idea that even at a year old (a tremendous amount of time when we're talking hardware development) the D1 can still hold it's own against the most recent wave of amazing pants computers. I have to agree. At a year out, and still viable is an accomplishment that deserves recognition. The pure vanilla experience of the Android OS in all of it's open source easily customizable glory makes the greatest flagship model a truly exceptional piece of engineering. Elite isn't about current popularity or flashy new features. What makes something Elite is it's ability to stand the test of time and though overshadowed by the tide of time and inevitable progress, it still manages to maintain a dignity that can only be assumed through originality, a place in history as THE thing that made all it's future offspring worthwhile. That said, there is no comparison. The original Droid is the Elite. It defines it, it's the standard every other has to muster up to in order to even be considered a refined device. It can, will, and quite possibly already has been eclipsed in performance and power, but Elite is class as well as performance and nothing outshines the pinnacle of awesome that is, was, the OG of actually smart phones Everything else began life outclassed.

I think what they should do to find the elitz, is to find the best specs of the latiest phones and benchmark it and do all the testing and see if its the one. Droid 1 is fading and not availble from verizon and we cant simply compare to droid 1, elitz is all about finding the best spec and fastiest one not something that is fully customize, well aint all android fully customized without hacking? What we have to look for is a phone that doesn't need hacking of rom and what not.
Stop saying the droid!

The incredible is just as hackable and it has better specs, as does the Nexus One.
I'd say N1 is the best android phone until a vanilla device with better specs comes out.
Stop saying the droid!

The incredible is just as hackable and it has better specs, as does the Nexus One.
I'd say N1 is the best android phone until a vanilla device with better specs comes out.

I'm getting tired of things being rated good because its hackible lets focus on other then hacking.
I recently just upgraded to the samsung fascinate from the droid 1 and I absolutely love it. My brother has the droid x and my fascinate is much more fluid. I was leaning towards buying the x but the only reasons I wanted it over the fascinate was the camera and the hdmi output. The fascinates screen blows the x's out of the water. I have 30 days to decide and I'm sticking with the fascinate.

I truly think the fascinate rules all.
Galaxy S lineup (Fascinate to be more specific). The hardware is great and it's great eye candy. But since its recently released and needs a lot of touch ups.

Until the above is done and the roms/mods roll out, I'd have to go with the Original Droid. Its been around for a long time and still popular. Great phone.
Here's my story. Bought a new droid off craigs for $125 and fell in love. Went to the DX and decided to sell my droid for $180. Had DX for 29 days and decided I did not want a contract (Sams, no restocking fee). Re-bought the droid for $180 and one month later the samsung fascinate comes out with buy one get one free. Fascinate goes to wife and I get a droid x ($100 for each without rebates over the phone). Both parties are happy and I have 2 original droids to sell. I will take a 4.3 inch display with fast stock processor over the hackable droid that you must overclock. Very difficult to use a smaller display once you own a X or Evo. This is why I took back a ipod touch 4g; 3.5 does not cut it anymore.

My ranking.

1. Droid X
2. Evo 4g
3. Droid 1 (only if hacked, last place if not)
4. Tie, Epic 4g/Fascinate (wife likes the slim light feel of the SF and hates any keyboards)
5. Droid 2 (not enough upgrades over a rooted droid)
20. Iphone (the operating system now feels watered down with the upgrades being after thoughts just to catch up. Makes a great camera).

Different story if Htc release a EVO like phone on verizon to replace the incredible. I just don't like sprint due to lack of choices and coverage; 4g is not at my home or work so right now it's useless. Verizon is willing to wheel and deal with you to earn their business (early upgrade on primary after a year, buy one get one free, ect) and I see verizon's 4g network growing faster than sprint's once released.
Here's my story. Bought a new droid off craigs for $125 and fell in love. Went to the DX and decided to sell my droid for $180. Had DX for 29 days and decided I did not want a contract (Sams, no restocking fee). Re-bought the droid for $180 and one month later the samsung fascinate comes out with buy one get one free. Fascinate goes to wife and I get a droid x ($100 for each without rebates over the phone). Both parties are happy and I have 2 original droids to sell. I will take a 4.3 inch display with fast stock processor over the hackable droid that you must overclock. Very difficult to use a smaller display once you own a X or Evo. This is why I took back a ipod touch 4g; 3.5 does not cut it anymore.

My ranking.

1. Droid X
2. Evo 4g
3. Droid 1 (only if hacked, last place if not)
4. Tie, Epic 4g/Fascinate (wife likes the slim light feel of the SF and hates any keyboards)
5. Droid 2 (not enough upgrades over a rooted droid)
20. Iphone (the operating system now feels watered down with the upgrades being after thoughts just to catch up. Makes a great camera).

Different story if Htc release a EVO like phone on verizon to replace the incredible. I just don't like sprint due to lack of choices and coverage; 4g is not at my home or work so right now it's useless. Verizon is willing to wheel and deal with you to earn their business (early upgrade on primary after a year, buy one get one free, ect) and I see verizon's 4g network growing faster than sprint's once released.

The only difference between a Droid 2 and the X is the size of the display and the fact that the X does not have an external keyboard. The guts are the same and the Droid 2 came preloaded with 2.2. 2.2 worked great with my D1 but this version seems better designed to work with the Droid 2.

I think you gave the Droid 2 a way lower rating then it deserved by your own standards. No way should it be behind a rooted D1.
I know this is asking about one Android device in particular but the definition of Elite is...A group or class of persons (in this case things) enjoying Superior Status--I am going to be the rule bender and give the prize to Motorola :)
I wasnt gonna post cuz its a hard choice. I decided to make it somewhat easier for me...lol

Truly Elite device, a tie between the Droid 1 and Nexus One, just for the custom ROM factor.

Truly Elite out the box? Another tie between the X and the Epic 4G.
Droid 1. Basically the D1 started a movement, android devices before it were jank, but the D1 was different...not only was it quite powerful and a super rugged device with superior build quality, but it is fully customizable and fully capable phone even today. I'll be with my D1 until LTE and they comes out with the next game changer because right now none of the new phones have anything that demands attention as the D1 has.

Superiority is measured in potential, and the D1 wins hands down IMO.