I've played with the X, the Dinc, and the D2. All great "phones". I personally feel though that in order to be considered Elite a certain amount of vetting is required. Someone previously posted the idea that even at a year old (a tremendous amount of time when we're talking hardware development) the D1 can still hold it's own against the most recent wave of amazing pants computers. I have to agree. At a year out, and still viable is an accomplishment that deserves recognition. The pure vanilla experience of the Android OS in all of it's open source easily customizable glory makes the greatest flagship model a truly exceptional piece of engineering. Elite isn't about current popularity or flashy new features. What makes something Elite is it's ability to stand the test of time and though overshadowed by the tide of time and inevitable progress, it still manages to maintain a dignity that can only be assumed through originality, a place in history as THE thing that made all it's future offspring worthwhile. That said, there is no comparison. The original Droid is the Elite. It defines it, it's the standard every other has to muster up to in order to even be considered a refined device. It can, will, and quite possibly already has been eclipsed in performance and power, but Elite is class as well as performance and nothing outshines the pinnacle of awesome that is, was, the OG of actually smart phones Everything else began life outclassed.