These are all Free
Dood's music any song you search (not just similar songs like on pandora)
easy unrar lite...sometimes I get themes others have created and this "unzips .rar liles...handy
fill & sign PDF forms...very handy (I created an invoice on my computer and now I can send invoices from my phone just by filling in a few feilds)'s a game...not as well known as others but fun time waster
light manager...I use it to stop the blinking while I sleep!...but you can also assign notification colors and such
Shopping List Maker (remembers every item I enter so I just check what I need..then gives you a list of just those items..I've tried several...prefer this)
Shush...when you turn your ringer off it displays a dial to choose how long...then it turns it back on for you!...I always forget!
themex...snag all the icons, docks and wallpapers from ADW, GO, APEX/Nova themes...
UCCW ultimate custom clock widget ... I make almost all of my own widgets now...this app is awesome.. date, time, weather, email, battery on and on with multiple hotspots! (it helps if you snag a bunch of skins over at XDA)
Funny how fast you can go through apps and change your opinion about them...some of the apps I listed a few weeks back I dont use any more

but these are some of my current favs!