Please hold for a Support Representative to assist you.
Thank you for contacting Verizon Wireless. My name is Sarah, how may I assist you?
Sarah: Hi Jesse! How are you today?
Jesse: Just fine, how about yourself!
Sarah: I'm fantastic! Thanks for asking.
Sarah: What can I help you with today?
Jesse: Um, I have had my Droid Bionic for sometime now and have had to contact tech support 2or 3 times before to do factory resets and check settings and I continue to lose my 3g/4g connection and drop calls because of this. I also read in the support forum about a lot of others having the same problem... Is there anyway I can get a replacement?
Sarah: Oh no! I'm sorry to hear that!
Sarah: How long has this been happening for?
Jesse: One or twice since I first got it, but in the past couple of months it has steadily gotten worse, I traded my friend my iphone 4s for his bionic to take advantage of the 4g but it hasn't been so fun lately
Jesse: happening 4 or 5 times a day
Sarah: That would make me nuts, Jesse!
Jesse: I even check my 4g coverage in Cincinnati and it appears to be great
Sarah: I had the Bionic and it definitely didn't do that.
Sarah: Let me take a look at a few things on your account, ok?
Jesse: ok
Jesse: I wanted to call tech support on my phone but im at work and inside the warehouse I dont get good service either but thats normal, I just found out you guys had chat support!
Sarah: We just started doing chat regularly! You're not going to get in trouble at work, are you?
Jesse: Nope, I work at an IT company so its normal
Jesse: I would be typing anyways, but thanks for the concern lol!
Sarah: Then you're good to go!
Sarah: Just a few more moments here, ok?
Jesse: Yup, thats just fine!
Jesse: You guys must have slow computers... maybe you should have my company come look at them ha ha
Sarah: I'm looking at quite a few things here, but you're right, they are a little on the slow side. Gotta love thin clients!
Jesse: Yeah I actually work on thin clients where I am so I know...
Jesse: let me know if you need any more info from me
Sarah: Yes, overloaded dinosaurs!
Sarah: Since you got the phone from your friend, it wouldn't have a warranty on it and we wouldn't be able to replace it for you.
Sarah: I am seeing that Motorola is working on a Software Update that fixes the issue though and that it should be out soon.
Sarah: In the meantime, they are advising to turn 4G off on the phone. I asked my co-worker about it that has a Bionic and she said that it worked.
Sarah: Did your friend who had the phone initially have this issue with it?
Jesse: Yeah I did that, I just would like to use my phone, Warranty should still carry over though since The device is less that a year old... no not initially he didn't but he said it just did a 905 update that should have fixed it but it didn't
Sarah: Unfortunately the manufacturers do not allow us to transfer the warranty on devices.
Sarah: He may be able to get it replaced though, just an idea?
Jesse: Man that stinks, guess I should have just said it was mine, being honest doesn't always work out I guess...
Jesse: What about the iphone that I traded him, surely Apple would cover theirs
Sarah: I tried to do it but the system knows that it's from another account.
Sarah: Apple doesn't allow the warranty to be transferred either.
Jesse: darn... guess its bad to trade phones then
Sarah: You have to purchase the Apple Care for it to transfer the warranty.
Sarah: If you don't check them out first, it can be.
Sarah: Do you have any further questions or concerns I may assist you with?
Jesse: Nope thats it! Sorry to be such a hassle
Sarah: No worries, sorry I couldn't get you another phone.
Sarah: It was a pleasure assisting you. Thank you for contacting Verizon Wireless. If you have a minute, please click on the End Chat button to receive a transcript of your chat and fill out a brief survey to help us serve you better. Have a wonderful day!