Since my court case is over and I can legally talk about it online, lemme vent my frustration.
Long story short- Last March 2012, I was driving on the freeway in the furthest right lane preparing to exit. This ****hole comes out of nowhere from my left and slams into my driver side. The impact was so severe it jammed my door and I had to crawl out the passenger door to get out. After he hit me, he managed to swerve left across 4 lanes and hit the center divider head on- completely destroying any evidence of the front/passenger side of his car side swiping me.
During that March period 2012, I come to find from his insurance and mine, that he is saying, I rear ended him.
That car crash he's making up his impossible with the amount of damage to the side of my car. If his story was true, I would have had to do some Tokyo Drift **** and slam into the back of his car with my driver side and leave a minimal dent on his bumper.
Anyway, both insurance companies could not determine who was at fault but there was definitely NO rear end crash as he claims. So I thought that was the end of the whole thing. I had the opportunity to sue him, but I let it go.
I get a letter in the mail last month (over a year after the accident) saying I'm being sued by this ****face for $9,000 for "personal injury, property damage, pain & suffering".
Yeeeaaahhhh.... lets take advantage of our legal system and sue me for an accident that wasn't my fault.
Cherry on top of the story- I lost.
Yup, I lost the court case yesterday.
The judge stated clearly that there was no rear end accident as this man claims there was. The pictures prove that it's literally impossible for his scenario to play out. So at that point I thought I won. Suing me for rear ending him. Judge says I didn't rear end him. I thought it was done and over with.
The judge said that for the accident to happen, someone had to merge out of their lane and hit the other car. The man suing me has a tiny dent on his rear passenger side bumper.
I had complete devastation on my driver side.
The judge had no idea who was at fault. Lucky for me, I had a witness. A friend in the car during the accident. He was called up and went over the story of what really happened, corroborating everything I said.
So, judge can't decide. Calls my witness. That's 2 true stories vs 1 lie. And I still lost.
After looking over the pictures for over 30 minutes, the judge favored on his side. but only awarded him $3,000. Less than half of what he was suing me for ($9,000).
This guy's medical bill (chiropractor) was $2,960 after the accident. So $2,960 of that $3,000 he just won is going to pay off that bill. And he's going to pocket $40.
But it cost him $75 to fill out the paperwork and take me to court. So when you really look at it, he lost $35... but won the court case.
What. the. ****.