It's so funny how Verizon trains their reps to push nothing but the Droid lines...I went into the store yesterday as well...As soon you walk into the store there is a big Droid ad and all the Motorola phones...then Windows to the right and Iphone all in the middle...you have to go to the back to get to the Samsung phones and in line with them there was LG2 sitting next to LG Stratoshere ..
I had the same thoughts on the phone...my least favorite thing was the shiny blue metallic fingerprint magnet...I couldn't get the feel for the buttons with the stupid security tag right there next to it..I did get to play with it plenty and the screen looks sharp...menus were flowing quickly without any hesitation..videos played nicely (although I found volume a bit lower than I'd like)..tap to turn on is nice (reminds me of app on Nexus did the same to wake)..camera was good (I have to check it out again bc felt not as quick to snap as recent phones I've tested)..
The Verizon LG G2 is different than all others. They changed the buttons.