I'm uninstalling again. I just cannot seem to get a single notification with the app.
Are you sure you set them up right? I've gotten quite a few since my first post this evening...
I'm uninstalling again. I just cannot seem to get a single notification with the app.
well i had a problem with it, i tried opening it again tonight and it said i had to give it permission so i clicked give permission and it just brought me to the news feed in the browser, so i tried uninstalling and reinstalling. then it asked me for my code again which i didn't have, clicked get code and same story, just brought me to the news feed in my browser.
The regular FB for Android shows fan pages, so I doubt it's an API thing. If Bloo could implement the fan pages I would never need to open my other FB app.Is there a setting somewhere that I've missed which will show these updates as well?
Currently, there's no function for fan pages that I've seen. I'm guessing this is another one of those lovely Facebook API issues. Apparently, Facebook is seald up like a dolphin's butt...water-tight. Haha
The regular FB for Android shows fan pages, so I doubt it's an API thing. If Bloo could implement the fan pages I would never need to open my other FB app.
I had to go into droids stock FB app and "LogOut"
As soon as I did that, "Get a Code" work on Bloo.
what's the diff between the fewer bloo and paid"?
I had tried Bloo several months ago but ended up uninstalling it and I don't really remember why, LOL.
After seeing this thread I decided to install it again last night and everything seems to be working flawlessly, so far. Like you Johnny, I really only care about checking friend updates so this should work good for me. I turned off notifications in the app and have FB set to send me email notifications. I like it better that way because I don't have access to my phone at work but I do have gmail access. Anyway, nice writeup. If/when Bloo gets Facebook chat that will make it even better.