What makes you say that? The old Moto has never been pushy with them, the new Moto certainly seems to be. Don't forget, the "new Moto" hasn't been in place very long. A company doesn't change overnight the minute they are acquired. To quote Mr. Soni, "it takes time to turn a big ship around". The very fact that the new Moto has a top level executive openly discussing updates on his Google+ page is a good sign, as far as I am concerned. The old Moto had their puppet boy, Matt, to discuss things in the forum. His main job was to delete posts with the word "root", "ROM", "leak", or "bootloader". Mr. Soni doesn't mind discussing these things at all. And not once has he jumped in and said "don't install leaks, leaks are bad, you are stealing from Moto OMG!!!!!!!" - if anything, he seems anxious to make us happy but hesitant to make any promises he can't personally stand behind. And he has stated that he is personally committed to getting ICS out to us, and will accept responsibility if deadlines are not met. When someone mentioned that Q4 could mean Dec. 31, he stated that Dec. 31 was NOT acceptable, and we'd have it way earlier than that. I honestly think he wants it BY Q4, but just is being realistic and allowing some leeway. He said one of his goals is REALISTIC release windows as opposed to empty promises.