I wish to make an announcement to the group on this thread.
There have at times been heated exchanges, commentary that was uncalled for, slurs that were tossed back and forth and generally a lack of respect and decency among some. I am not pointing any fingers, but some of you know who you are, and some of you who are in my crosshairs believe you can do no wrong. I am here to tell you that you are ALL subject to the same forum rules, whether newbies, experienced, veterans, developers, tweakers, hackers, themers, whatever the case.
This forum is a Family Friendly forum and we will not tolerate such rude and inappropriate exchanges. We (I and several other SMods & Moderators) have had to come into this thread on many occasions and "clean up" the "messes" left behind, like cleaning up after a dog in the yard. I for one do not enjoy this and I can safely say that the other Moderators feel the same way.
I am sure you have seen posts that have been deleted, and in some cases the reason listed was somewhat vague, but the fact remains that if it was deleted by a Moderator, it's because it should never have been posted to begin with. I also believe some of you may have witnessed some of these exchanges. Again, we're all intelligent and aware enough here to know what is appropriate and what is not.
So to close, let's try to be civil toward each other and keep the discussions to constructive criticism and worst, and more leaning towards constructive enhancement instead. If things get out of control, we may be forced to close the thread and/or give some of you "vacations" for a while so you can cool down. Please don't force us to do so.
Thank you.