[ALPHA] Ice Cream Sandwich for the Pro


Jun 26, 2011
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Here it comes... the latest, most glorious build of ICS for your Droid Pro.

YOU'RE AN IDIOT IF YOU WANT TO test this when not having a spare battery pack/a factory cable.

What works:
- Audio (in call + media) Got it nailed down.
- 2d acceleration (3d?)
- Wifi :)
- Charging.
- Reboot to recovery.
- Radio (as in, calls)
- SD Card access from phone.
- GPS (Probably)
- Hardware keyboard -- all keys
- Accelerated hardware media decoders. (at least partially)
- Power management/CPU scaling.

What doesn't work:
- GSM switch (*#*#4363#*#* should get you there, however I haven't tested...)
- Google talk FC when call
- Anything else you could think of.
- Bluetooth.

- If wifi can't turn on, reboot.
- The phone might indicate roaming. Don't be concerned about it.

Customization in place:
- I don't like Roboto yet, it's ugly, I've replaced it (maybe temporarily) with Nokia Sans.

Disclaimer: As usual, your risk to flash this firmware.

Rev 5 build (Alpha 4) -- http://code.google.com/p/ics-droidpro/downloads/detail?name=typn.zip&can=2
You'll have to obtain gapps for ICS somewhere else.



[--Placeholder for reddit dev request: llgrrl--]
I think I have found the solution for the keyboard being horizontal. Rev. 2 has just been uploaded, fixed the orientation.

So the only major roadblock left is the b key being retarded and the keyboard. :)

Meanwhile... screenshots:

Great!! Pls keep up the good work !! I am sure i will be in love with my droid pro again with the ics rocking on it

Sent from my Nexus One using DroidForums
hey congrats! what did you do to get the orientation/sensor fixed? i'm done with finals so i can devote some time to developing together again :D i remember looking at the droid 3 repository and they have this in their boardconfig.mk

= true

try giving that a go and see if it fixes the b key

hey congrats! what did you do to get the orientation/sensor fixed? i'm done with finals so i can devote some time to developing together again :D i remember looking at the droid 3 repository and they have this in their boardconfig.mk


try giving that a go and see if it fixes the b key
Seems like the proximity sensor doesn't work. Accelerometer is works just fine.

The phone is always in portrait mode now (which is a better thing compared to it insisted on being landscape). I will publish and update my code on github also, so everything will come in a short time.Yout help is always welcomed.

Yeah I tried KB_HACK, didn't help. Looks like the guy who developed the D2G which I based my distro on didn't have that figured out either.

The biggest thing that I want to address now is CPU scaling so the phone doesn't suck battery and get hot and fix the keylayout then get the multimedia acceleration to work. Should come tomorrow or the day after that.
The prox will be integrated soon. It's because the pro uses the same device for prox as light sensor.

I'll take a look at your source for the CPU scaling, we should use encounterics as our base in the futute once that kid publishes his code because the Droid x ics port looks to be doing well

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
You never cease to amaze me, Jackpot! Great work. Hope to see you push some stuff out for the Galaxy Nexus at some point!
I will have some time the week after xmas to try out some builds and troubleshoot, so keep it coming! This is great news.

Lurker and Jackpot deserve so many thanks for keeping this 1y+ old phone alive and kicking. Thanks guys.
Thanks Jackpot for the insight, it's good to know.

The portrait trick is in the framework base xml file, where it says 90 degrees with the lid is on, change it to 0. It should work.

I'm trying to merge my changes with the upstream KANG repo. I am re-building to make sure everything is in good shape.

So expect the github repo being up in a couple of hours. :)
Okay guys, the repo is up. You should be able to clone Cyanogenmod's repo (ics branch) and clone my two repos

https://github.com/htruong/proprietary_vendor_motorola to vendor
https://github.com/htruong/android_device_motorola_venus2 to device

and cook brunch with it. Please let me know if you encounter any problem.

Please do anything you feel appropriate (clone, fork, whatever else)... and improve upon so we can enjoy the latest fixes. I am a git n00b so I don't know much about all that stuff. Let me know if I can do anything for you.
I think I screwed up the device repo by merging something that I shouldn't. Don't use the latest one, use the commit 4b16da65619a637cc44a29b3683d1a644266c3f6.

Edited - NVM not my fault.
The prox will be integrated soon. It's because the pro uses the same device for prox as light sensor.

I'll take a look at your source for the CPU scaling, we should use encounterics as our base in the futute once that kid publishes his code because the Droid x ics port looks to be doing well

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
Jackpot, I think we were stuck in a init loop, that's why the CPU didn't want to scale down. Also I think you'll be a great great asset to the #motomagic team.

I'm building the new build, expect in a day or two much better power management. I think Bikedude has it figured out or something.