Can't get "voice search" to install, fails every time. Suggestions?
Try this:
[3] Google Search not updating in the market
(Stealing plaidman's AWESOME post on this one. Thanks!!!)
I answered my own question: GoogleQuickSearchBox.apk
So after you do a fresh Sapphire install, if you want the updated Google Search Widget, you can do the following commands on your favorite command line tool (I like ConnectBot). Mind you, these instructions might be a hell of a lot easier with something like RootExplorer, but I'm a cheap ass and I'm comfortable with *nix command lines. Skip this first part if you uninstalled with TitaniumBackup.
rm /system/app/GoogleQuickSearchBox.apk
reboot (dunno if you really need this, but just to be safe)
When the phone comes back, download the new Google Search in the marketplace. Now, unfortunately, the search button will be broken because it's still looking for the old /system/app application, but the new one was installed to /data/app. So we need to open our favorite command line tool again and move the .apk file.
mv /data/app/ /system/app/GoogleQuickSearchBox.apk
reboot (again, not sure you need to do this, but it's safe)
And now your search button will work as it used to. Happy searching!