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I heard rumor over at the Motorola forums that they may be retrying the rollout this Wednesday, March 24th. 1000 to start and then 200K every 24 hours after. Not confirmed as of yet but it's something to think about.
That said I do think there is some validity towards treating broad/outlandish claims with a bit of disdain and comtempt.
Members cry foul when someone posts in here claiming something ridiculous or preposterous and they get warned that they may be reprimanded if they are not more tolerant of new users. While I sort-of understand that logic, it seems apparent to me that there needs to be some inherent filtering from the members of what is total "wishcasting" BS from fanboys and what is moderately sound speculation based on inside information.
The noise of idiots looking for attention is statistically much higher than the genuine bits of info. Generally people with real info cite pictures/sources/data to back it up. I see nothing wrong with being a bit abrupt in requiring substantiation behind profound or sweeping claims (like a release date or release info on 2.1). I guess what I'm suggesting is perhaps the moderation in contentious threads is a bit too "PC" to prevent the noise of attention hungry idiots.
But what do I know? And I must respectfully acknowledge that this isn't my forum and I'm not appointed to a position of leadership, so obviously it is the managements prerogative to disagree with me.
I heard rumor over at the Motorola forums that they may be retrying the rollout this Wednesday, March 24th. 1000 to start and then 200K every 24 hours after. Not confirmed as of yet but it's something to think about.
I'm not trying to discredit their hypothesis, but I believe the whole March 24th date, came from that guy who took a picture of a text about updating his roaming(*228).
I heard rumor over at the Motorola forums that they may be retrying the rollout this Wednesday, March 24th. 1000 to start and then 200K every 24 hours after. Not confirmed as of yet but it's something to think about.
I'm not trying to discredit their hypothesis, but I believe the whole March 24th date, came from that guy who took a picture of a text about updating his roaming(*228).
I heard rumor over at the Motorola forums that they may be retrying the rollout this Wednesday, March 24th. 1000 to start and then 200K every 24 hours after. Not confirmed as of yet but it's something to think about.
I'm not trying to discredit their hypothesis, but I believe the whole March 24th date, came from that guy who took a picture of a text about updating his roaming(*228).
I have had to go to the Verizon store twice in the last couple of days because of family member's phone issues. The first time was Friday and when I asked the guy about the 2.1 he looked at me like he didn't know what to say, all of the sudden he got very busy and walked away from me without saying a word about it. Yesterday we went back and I asked another guy. He said yes it's still coming, not sure when but it's coming, they have not told them when yet. At least he answered me. So there is still hope people (I hope).
And for the post about switch to an iphone, I came off using the iphone for 3 years, all 3 versions. I cannot say that I miss not being able to make phone calls because of no service areas, and when I did get to make calls 95% of the time they failed or dropped. Yes, the iphone is a nice phone, but I do not recommend it just because of the faulty carrier. I have yet to drop a call on my Droid. I am extremely happy about that. And my friends and family are calling me again (they hated to call me before because it was an ordeal of calling them back several times when I lost their calls). I love my Droid 2.1 or not. All we need is some patience
I know that guy's sister's boyfriend's roommate's uncle. He said it will also include a live wallpaper of Elvis, Jimmy Hoffa, Tu Pac, and Bigfoot hanging out on the moonlanding soundstage.
Asking a Verizon rep is the equivalent of asking any member of this forum when 2.1 will come out.
As the late great Sergeant Shultz use to say "I Know Nothing."
Verizon reps, IMHO are lucky enough to even know what a Droid is, let alone what OS it has and when it's coming out. Think about it they have all kinds of phones to deal with. We have one. Well, we have other android phones but this thread is focusing on the Moto Droid.
I truly believe that when an announcement is made that is believable it will come from this forum. True we've missed it the last two times but we were real darn close the last time. It was only a last minute cancellation that changed everything.
I am not going to warn you guys again. You are not permitted to speak about anything in this thread. If you want to speak about anything, you will need to take it somewhere you are permitted to speak about something.
I figured id call *228 this morning for ****s and giggles and it wouldnt do anything the recorded lady just said that programming cant be done? not even roaming updates.
i also called *028 (not sure what it is but it was before i found the other number cause i forgot it) and it also said they cant update at the moment. wierd.
I figured id call *228 this morning for ****s and giggles and it wouldnt do anything the recorded lady just said that programming cant be done? not even roaming updates.
i also called *028 (not sure what it is but it was before i found the other number cause i forgot it) and it also said they cant update at the moment. wierd.
I figured id call *228 this morning for ****s and giggles and it wouldnt do anything the recorded lady just said that programming cant be done? not even roaming updates.
i also called *028 (not sure what it is but it was before i found the other number cause i forgot it) and it also said they cant update at the moment. wierd.