I wonder what the real reason for the holdup is. Is it a distribution problem, a ROM bug or an apple lawsuit issue? Very strange that there's no communication from VZW as to why. Seems like a little openness on the issue would go a long way with angry customers. I guess i just don't understand the reason behind the caginess.
It's not the Apple lawsuit. As far as I know there is no bug in the update. The story that I have seen, and has yet to be refuted is the fact that Bitfone had distirbution problems. Something went wrong last week during the start of the rollout.
I'll find the article again and repost, it's a couple of miles back in this thread, and may even be on page one.
The salient point in that article is the statement that Bitfone contracted the services of a consultant to consult on the "redesign" of their distribution network... I have always understood that consultants are not called in unless something has gone beyond the abilities, or skills of the in-house people to remedy. I have seen it before...
IF a redesign is in the works then, folks, we are going to be waiting at least another week, possibly longer.
The bare fact is this: Collectively as a whole, right now, we know nothing. VZW and Motorola have been silent on 2.1 since last week, so, I think we can safely assume they are not doing anything with it right now. We have several members with connections in the industry, whatever those connections might be, they have provided some information.... since none of those connected individuals have spoken up, then, again, we can assume nothing is happening with the update.
I keep my eyes open for news... I even tried to shake up an old contact of mine in Verizon....only to find that person has moved on to other places. (I haven't talked to them in a couple of years...) I have called VZW three times, and my local store twice.... different answers every time, so I know that the store and customer service reps know nothing as well.
Could things change today, or within the next 24 hours, or by the end of the week? Yes, of course it can... I am keeping my eyes open for any kind of official news regarding the update.
I understand everyone's frustration... some news, from some official source, would be welcome... But there isn't even that right now.