Junk the droid, get an iphone.......2.1 is still behind....if it ever comes out.......iphones are light years ahead, developers are saying it is too hard to write apps for the droid due to all the different models and versions. The iphone just works too!!!! The droid is so buggy and too many problems!!!!!!!!! Can't wait till my verizon contract is up.
Thanks but no thanks... Since my wife and I came from the other side and she had the iPhone, Apple is way too controlling and how many years did it take them to give the iPhone copy and paste, and how many years for multi-tasking... Don't know about you, but the android apps are increasing BIG time. Will grow more when all the android phones will be on 2.1 and that also includes the G1.
To each their own, and happy ventures there.
You are also forgetting simple picture messaging. or VIDEO.