Fake text, or real text?
Update web page gone... or so it would seem.
Some article saying that Google is responsible for the update rollout.
Nothing adds up, and nothing is making sense. When you take the facts, such as they are, as a whole, you get one big contradicting statement.
Announcement about 2.1 update is made public. Shortly afterward, the update is pulled. An article indicates Bitfone, contracted by Motorola to perform the rollout has distribution issues. I haven't seen this story refuted anywhere yet.
Verizon states 1000 people got the update, apparently for testing purposes. Information later gathered indicates the update was causing problems with the phones it was sent to. More information later states that Verizon is releasing it to 1000 more users for further testing.
So far we have had..
Proof that 2.1 has been pushed to the European, and Asian Milestones... which seems to indicat the ESE53 build is stable enough for distribution.
An article stating Google is now responsible for the rollout, and has always been, Verizon never had anything to do with it.
A text message screenshot seems to indicate that the users are being randomly selected.
No news whatsoever from Motorola, or Verizon.
None of this makes any sense at all.