Wondering if iphone jailbreaker and nonjailbreakers squabble like we do?
I've never had an iPhone, but I did own a jailbroken iPod Touch, and I can tell you that the iPhone community and the Droid community are so different that neither would recognize the other. (I often feel quite awkward having feet in both camps!)
The main issue is that jailbreaking is both far easier to do and far easier to screw up than rooting, so there's more or less a consensus in the iPhone world that people who can't figure out jailbreaking even with an illustrated guide should probably just stay away from it altogether. And Apple's requirement that all current-gen devices have their firmware installs
signed by Apple every time the device is restored, combined with their dogged insistence on releasing firmware updates that do nothing but prevent jailbreaking (and refusal to sign older, jailbreakable firmwares) doesn't help.
And of course the iPhone community has a lower median level of technological ability than the Droid community. As a result, most jailbreak-related squabbling among iPhone users is between the "I did no research/am easily confused by the research I did and now my iPhone is screwed up" folks and the "You idiot, why would you not have looked into this more carefully; there's nothing that can be done" folks. And there's always a healthy contingent of "here's what you need to do: (completely useless, irrelevant, and/or harmful advice)" people.
And all of it can get
much more vicious than anything I've seen in my (admittedly short) time here, especially since iPhone users tend to create new threads asking the same questions that have been answered dozens of times on the same boards, which wears on the patience of the handful of posters who know what they're doing. You guys don't know how good you have it