If a consultant was hired to help Bitfone "redesign" the distribution backbone, then, I am pretty sure that we are going to be waiting, not several days, but probably several weeks. If the problem is of such magnitude that a consultant had to be called to advise them on redesigning of the equipment set up that pushes out the updates, then how on earth did 2.0.1 get pushed out successfully? And, just how bad was the problem? It has been my experience that a consultant is only called in after the in-house people assigned to fix a given problem uncover more than they anticipated.
I think someone dropped the ball at Bitfone, and dropped it big time, and the best way they have to explain it is "we encountered a problem with the distribution"....Not saying this is a conspiracy, or anything, but I am just saying that the problem is probably larger than we are thinking it is.. I can't even begin to speculate what that might be.