Wow, I must say you try to have a positive attitude....
However you do realize that that picture is from a computer screen of a Verizon employee? And also something they are not allowed to take a picture of and distribute.
That said, it is not the exact same as it was the other day, so it is new. And it is related to the release of 2.1 so it is not off topic.
I also have read every post in this silly thread, so you are not in a club of your own...

I'm sure there a bunch of us stupid people that read all this nonsense.
But trying to be as positive as possible is a wonderful thing. It reminds me of Linus outside waiting for the Great Pumpkin to arrive. He knows that he will come because he is a believer.... I hope the "Great Pumpkin Update" comes tonight at midnight! If it doesn't come Blitzburgh I will come and carry you in from the Great Pumpkin Update patch and put you in bed.... LOL
This is no joke... waiting for this update is like waiting for the Great Pumpkin
And ofcourse i cant edit.
Edit: not the exact same info. but what we thought in the first place just in different words. (i.e. the TBD to DELAY status).