4.0.4 update zip!

I did this update yesterday. So far not that impressed. Other then the rotate fix.. My battery seems to be draining faster then Aokp

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Does anyone know of they ever plan on pushing this update out? I shouldn't have to root my phone to get an update. I know its not your guys fault, but everyone sure did hype how supported this phone would be before release. Verizon or Google, I don't really care who's to blame. Sick of defending this phone to my wife and sick of pretending I like the piece of crap to save face.
Does anyone know of they ever plan on pushing this update out? I shouldn't have to root my phone to get an update. I know its not your guys fault, but everyone sure did hype how supported this phone would be before release. Verizon or Google, I don't really care who's to blame. Sick of defending this phone to my wife and sick of pretending I like the piece of crap to save face.

You need to unlock to update ahead of receiving the ota. Root is not required. I have no idea when the ota will hit the masses.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
I do notice significantly better reception with this rom, however it still doesn't provide 4g in the areas where I am still only getting 3g. I find it frustrating that we are not seeing official support for a phone which is supposed to be Google's flagship, and that its older model brother is.
I do notice significantly better reception with this rom, however it still doesn't provide 4g in the areas where I am still only getting 3g. I find it frustrating that we are not seeing official support for a phone which is supposed to be Google's flagship, and that its older model brother is.
What do you mean, not seeing official support? Just because it is a Google phone doesn't mean that they are going to push updates all the time for individual things. What it means is that when Google pushes an ICS/OS update officially, it will be easy to install on your phone and you will not have to suffer long delays in getting those updates.

The beauty of having a dev/google phone on the other hand is that there are tons of devs who also work to fix things or who package ROM leaks with the latest updates and make them available for you to install and try out. Google is not going to release an update till it has gone through a lot more rigorous QA. The leaked updates, are just that...leaks that are not yet ready for prime time in Google's view. The nice thing though, is with a Nexus phone, we can easily install said leaks if we are impatient.

You have the best of both worlds with this phone - You can unlock, root and flash any of the million ROMs + Kernels with the latest stuff, or you can stay stock and be assured of the fastest update once Google pushes something out. And yet somehow this is a negative for you? I just don't understand some folks and their unrealistic expectations.

PS - If you want significantly improved reception, I wouldn't hold my breath for any update. It seems that it is more a hardware issue and not software....sure, some phones do have defective hardware, but in general, I think the GN has a weaker 4G radio compared to some of the other Verizon phones. OS updates are very unlikely to magically improve the radio reception. What 4.0.4 has done though is improved the code for signal handoff between 3G, 4G and Wifi. The hand off is pretty much instantaneous now on 4.0.4
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You missed the point with your rant.

Verizon has botched everything about this phone. I'm sure they are withholding the update that Google probably has. Why are we forced to flash roms designed for a nexus s when we should be getting the OTA? We paid premium price and waited well over what we should havee for release to get a bug ridden device (pre-root), I mean, what the hell?

Have a question for everyone:
I updated this on the rooted, stock GNex (things seem to run as or more smoothly) - but no it appears I have lost root.
ROM Manager will not boot into recovery, typing su in terminal emulator results in permission denied, busybox won't run, same thing with TitBackup.

Thoughts? Suggestions? What should be my next plan of action?

Thanks a bunch!
Have a question for everyone:
I updated this on the rooted, stock GNex (things seem to run as or more smoothly) - but no it appears I have lost root.
ROM Manager will not boot into recovery, typing su in terminal emulator results in permission denied, busybox won't run, same thing with TitBackup.

Thoughts? Suggestions? What should be my next plan of action?

Thanks a bunch!

Theres an updated su.zip for 4.0.4.. maybe I can send it to you
. Same happened to me.. just rerooot and everything will be rooted again
OK, so after rereading the post, it looks like I should use the new updated zip I referenced earlier.

(I can't boot into recovery using ROM Manager, to update using update.zip)
So silly question, how do I do this?

Up/Down volume + power gives me the very basic menu... obv there is no CWR since I lost root
I'm not sure how to boot into recovery using the toolkit. (Do I follow the steps like I would to root, but select a diff file?