My phone's specs:
*System Version: 5.5.886
*Android Version: 2.3.4
When I try to install update 5.5.893, the download goes smoothly and my phone restarts, but when the alien pops up with the progress bar, the bar hits 25% and an orange triangle with an exclamation point in the middle pops up. The phone then goes to the home screen and a message pops up that reads, "Update Status: the software update has failed."
I had rooted my phone and used the app Root Explorer to remove some of the .apk files for pointless apps that came preinstalled, but unfortunately I forgot to backup my files. I have now unrooted, factory reset, and rooted again just to check, and the installation still hasn't worked. I'm noob about this stuff and I don't want to mess up my phone. Can I can just flash to .902 safely? If not, is there something I could do?