Looking forward to trying it out.On a separate note, can anyone tell me whether 4G is hardware/antenna based or software based? If it is software based as a lot of folks claim is there any hope of getting it worked into a ROM for this phone?
I honestly don't know. I saw that spec sheet and the high-speed caught my eye, but I doubt the hardware is capable of it, and even if the hardware is capable of it, the libraries aren't made for the Pro, and even if they were, I don't know how we would connect to Verizon's network or anybody else's because I don't know much about 4G. Sorry :-(
On a better note, I have the camera working, but not the panorama or the camcorder. It still has that issue with the first picture taken not saving. Annoying but at least all subsequent photos work perfectly, even the zoom. I kinda spoiled myself last week with CM7 because the Pro just isn't meant to run ICS with such an old kernel, but the performance isn't horrid compared to CM7. I'm gonna integrate a fix for the device's WiFi MAC address changing on each reboot, so it will stay the same (as long as you don't wipe data). I have the voice search button working too. Overall it's not terrible, just doesn't run as smoothly as CM7 I will post it in a few days after I test it out some more