Downloaded and installed without a wipe. Kernal changed and the newer kangscripts is in as well. I was thinking this would delete my apps and such but its all still in there along with maps 4.3.0
BUT...the GPS still wont lock on in Maps or Nav. Is there any fix for this? Should I have wiped comlpletely? Am I the only one with this issue? (since I use it heavily and actually need it)
i always have my location stuff turned off unless i'm using it. But I just did
Settings->Location & Security-> checked both Use Wireless Networks & Use GPS Satellites, then i opened maps, hit My Location, at first it was maybe 1000ft off, but after around 45secs-1min it locked into my location within 20ft. Sometimes need patience, give it a min or 2, keep hitting My Location in Maps every 30secs or so til it locks on.