is there a reason for not doing it? btw i use google voice for all texting and use email/gtalk for everything else
i've noticed some (handcent) on 2.2 seems to be running MMS through the stock messaging app... (as in MMS won't work unless stock MMS is still installed)
which is why i suggest just leaving the stock on, and disabling all notifications that the stock SMS app gives. (that way you only get the notification through your 3rd party app)
plus if you decide for some reason that you don't want the 3rd party anymore, at least the stock will still be on there and won't have to go searching........
well i dont use texting or mms at all neither threw stock apps or 3rd party..only use google voice which is data. my question would be would removing stock sms and mms cause stability issues with the system OTHER then not being able to send/recive sms and mms
nope... just don't see a reason why you'd want to remove it if you don't use it... all user preference i guess!!
remove away... just stick it somewhere on your PC.