I really hope no one is staying awake for this. Unless you're already going to be up. If I get this update, I will make sure I do it right away, and make it no possible way for any of you to get the ZIP, cuz all I read about these updates is people crying every gosh darn time. And when I want to read something crucial, I need to go threw 62 FREAKING pages.
wow! very awesome of you....
you come here for free and get awesome help for free, free roms, free advice, free tutorials and then turn around and act like that?
good game
This is one of the subpar droid forums. It's because of you, me, everyone who comes here that the people who run this site MAKE A PROFIT. AYE
I don't root, I don't ask for advice, I don't need the tutorials. I come here to see the "news" on the main site, and spend 2-3 minutes reading posts of people whining about the update not coming, coming, OMG. It's a PHONE. It's not the end of the world if they need to push it back! seriously.