what you fail to realize (and continue to fail to realize) is that success doesn't just come from branding and marketing. if it did, iphone would be an epic fail. the reason they sell is because people think "iphone i have to have that!!!" without knowing anything about the phone, about specs, about comparisons to android...
LOL, where have I shown that I don't understand that extremely well? You continue to overrate this effect. Because the simple and obvious fact is everyone doesn't have to have the IPhone and, in fact, are making other choices. Millions are buying Android. Millions more don't even have smartphones. That's part of a maturing market that becomes commoditized that IPhone has little interest in competing for.
here's the part of the quote that you left off...
czerdrill said:what they do know is people moonwalk in the commercials and that "there's an app for that"...and then when they get said iphone they upgrade it because it's a good phone.
the majority of consumers by phones without knowing anything about them...as much as youd like to believe that android users are superhumans who have all the knowledge in the world and clearly chose the better OS, it's not true. people bought android because verizon marketed that thing as an iphone killer and the commercials were cool as hell haha...same reason people bought iphone, because it was revolutionary and changed mobile communication forever.
now for my above quote, people stay with android because they're loyal to it, and the phones have great features and choice. people stay with iphone because they're loyal to it and it's the most polished phone out there (your fanboyism prevents you from admitting that, but its true). if it wasn't true, there would be no need for every new phone that comes out to be branded "the iphone killer"...hell the LG Voyager was called an iphone killer at one point haha...clearly it wasnt
kodiak799 said:Millions are buying Android.
Second time you've said that irrelevant statement. Millions are buying iPhone too (oh yeah that's right, 80% are upgrades so they somehow don't "count"