Another Bionic that can't get a data connection... no 4G/3G/1X signal.. only wifi...

I did compare my Bionic to my old Droid, the Bionic is smokin' fast. Just wish these data issues would go away. One other thing I noticed on the 901 update, some apps that are stored in the media area disappear (Droid forums).

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
I did compare my Bionic to my old Droid, the Bionic is smokin' fast. Just wish these data issues would go away. One other thing I noticed on the 901 update, some apps that are stored in the media area disappear (Droid forums).

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums

I thought the disapearing app trick got solved with 893. I said all along it was both Verizons 4G network and the Bionic not playing nice together. I just hope it is software and not hardware but after all this time and the way Verizon is bending over backwards to give you a different phone. It makes me wonder if it isnt hardware. Look at the Razr it just has normal data problems not like the Bionic. None of the other 4G phones on Verizon have the problems the Bionic has.
Crash your one of the few that got 901 and havent seen a difference or just one of the few that said it. I got a Rezound data drops are a thing of the past. I also kept my Bionic so I am deffinetly still looking for input. I was just gonna flash 901 when the rummors about 902 started now Im back to wanting to do it again. lol

Mike757 How you liking that Rez after a couple days? I think mine gets better every day.

Wood, I am loving it! There have been a few adjustments but overall it has been very positive. Like you I am keeping the Bionic as a spare!

Sent from my ADR6425LVW using DroidForums
Well I had a Bionic for a couple of days, coming from a Thunderbolt. In the 36 hours it was active it had data for about 2. I thought it was strange that every VW rep I talked to about it (tier 1 and 2 and 2 reps at the store) all had the exact same response when I mentioned it. "I've never heard of a Bionic having that problem"
This made me think that there may have been some internal memo that mandated that the employees not acknowledge the defect. That phone had me scrambling back to my Thunderbolt. Now with a basis of comparison, the Tbolt ain't so bad. (Kind of soured me on Motorola, and was thinking of the Droid 4 for my next update)
Trying out the Stratosphere now, a little slow, but at least everything works as advertised. Still have a Tbolt as a backup if I find I can't deal withe the lower specs.

Sent from my SCH-I405 using DroidForums
Here's a couple of GREAT reads on Verizon and 3G/4G data drops...I think the 'fixes' that have been coming out are simply bandaids, trying to mask the real problem until they get their act together...

This Is Why Your Verizon Galaxy Nexus (Or Other 4G LTE VZW Phone) Is Losing Its Data Connection

Dear Verizon: Your 4G Phones Have Data Connectivity Problems, And It’s Really Pissing Everyone Off
Thats old news but its wright. All phones have problem thats the network but the Bionic has its own problem
Thats old news but its wright. All phones have problem thats the network but the Bionic has its own problem

It may be old news, but I get the feeling there are a LOT of people who don't know about it. The more people who know and complain to Verizon about it, the more pressure VZW will have to get their act together! Come on people! We are the 99! Oh wait...wrong forum.
It may be old news, but I get the feeling there are a LOT of people who don't know about it. The more people who know and complain to Verizon about it, the more pressure VZW will have to get their act together! Come on people! We are the 99! Oh wait...wrong forum.

I here ya. Its not so much Verizon I dont think they will give you different phones if you yell loud enough. I think its Moto they screwed up and now they cant fix it. I think we got Lemons
I here ya. Its not so much Verizon I dont think they will give you different phones if you yell loud enough. I think its Moto they screwed up and now they cant fix it. I think we got Lemons

Yeah but. There's been reports of the Galaxy Nexus having similar issues. It sounds like it's a problem that can potentially affect ANY LTE phone...even if only used on 3G!
Yeah but. There's been reports of the Galaxy Nexus having similar issues. It sounds like it's a problem that can potentially affect ANY LTE phone...even if only used on 3G!

Yeah there is definetly problems with the 4G LTE network I have a Rezound and it never drops data coughs a little because of 4G but the Bionic doesnt cough it chokes.
As I type this, I am sitting in a 4G fringe area in Buckeye, AZ. My Bionic is bone stock, running. 901 and bouncing between 4G and 3G without a hitch. Ever since I updated my phone, I have a renewed love of the Motorola Bionic. All I can say is if you can wait for the .901 update, you will be rewarded with a great phone again!

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
Honestly I guess I'm just a lucky SOB lol because after owning my Bionic for 3 weeks I am extremely pleased with mine. I'm stock on .893 and we just got 4G in our area last week. I'm still a lil ways from the tower so depending where I am I bounce around alot between 3G and 4G. Rough estimate maybe 30 times a day, maybe less maybe more but its alot. Not because the Bionic cant keep a signal, just because I'm a ways from the tower while at home and work.

It makes the change over almost flawlessly. I honestly read all the negatives about this phone and sometimes just wanna believe alot of u r lieing but I know that's not true. Just saying I've had alot of good luck with mine and hope you all have better luck with yours.

I bought the nexus on release day, had it for over 2 weeks and then got this. Out of the 3 weeks with the Bionic I'm more pleased with it then the Nexus. I went through 2 GNs and was gonna go for a 3rd but threw n the towel. Way happier now :)

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
Honestly I guess I'm just a lucky SOB lol because after owning my Bionic for 3 weeks I am extremely pleased with mine. I'm stock on .893 and we just got 4G in our area last week. I'm still a lil ways from the tower so depending where I am I bounce around alot between 3G and 4G. Rough estimate maybe 30 times a day, maybe less maybe more but its alot. Not because the Bionic cant keep a signal, just because I'm a ways from the tower while at home and work.

It makes the change over almost flawlessly. I honestly read all the negatives about this phone and sometimes just wanna believe alot of u r lieing but I know that's not true. Just saying I've had alot of good luck with mine and hope you all have better luck with yours.

I bought the nexus on release day, had it for over 2 weeks and then got this. Out of the 3 weeks with the Bionic I'm more pleased with it then the Nexus. I went through 2 GNs and was gonna go for a 3rd but threw n the towel. Way happier now :)

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
Boy thats a switch. Mine would switch but take forever or not at all. I got a Rezound and have no problems. I hope the new OTAhelps I will.
Yeah I really have had good luck with my Bionic. My nexus had this problem Galaxy Nexus : Person on the other end of a call suddenly can't hear me. - Google Mobile Help and that's why I got rid of it. No one could give me a answer...

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
Kinda funny you should say that I got an old Thunderbolt that does same thing but its rooted and on a Rom if I switch back to stock or to a different rom it goes away part of it was a HTC thing dont know what was up with your Gnex whole different world but if it is Verizon could be same problem.