Another Bionic that can't get a data connection... no 4G/3G/1X signal.. only wifi...

What is CDMA-eHRPD? I was comparing my daughter's Rezound to my Bionic (Wood, still waiting. Should get my rezound tomorrow :biggrin:) I experienced the same data loss that I have been experiencing all along. I compared her phone to mine and the big difference was in the About phone/StatusMobile Network type. The Rezound displayed as LTE and the Bionic as CDMA-eHRPD. Maybe some of the pros out there know...
What is CDMA-eHRPD? I was comparing my daughter's Rezound to my Bionic (Wood, still waiting. Should get my rezound tomorrow :biggrin:) I experienced the same data loss that I have been experiencing all along. I compared her phone to mine and the big difference was in the About phone/StatusMobile Network type. The Rezound displayed as LTE and the Bionic as CDMA-eHRPD. Maybe some of the pros out there know...

Mike not sure where you found that on Bionic I look on wireless networks and see LTE/CDMA or CDMA only. You know your gonna like it did ya here there is a new OTA 5.9.902 going to testers tonight dont think its soak test but going to testers whatever that means.
Mike not sure where you found that on Bionic I look on wireless networks and see LTE/CDMA or CDMA only. You know your gonna like it did ya here there is a new OTA 5.9.902 going to testers tonight dont think its soak test but going to testers whatever that means.

I hadn't heard that. I did see where the Rezound has been selected as the next phone to get ICS. The folks at Verizon are doing things differently since the last time I sent a phone back. They have already billed me for the Rezound and I was told that a credit would be applied to my phone when I returned the Bionic. The charge was $250. I am tempted to keep the phone and see what happens with ICS! I might have a great spare phone for once! If nothing else, I could learn how to root!
I hadn't heard that. I did see where the Rezound has been selected as the next phone to get ICS. The folks at Verizon are doing things differently since the last time I sent a phone back. They have already billed me for the Rezound and I was told that a credit would be applied to my phone when I returned the Bionic. The charge was $250. I am tempted to keep the phone and see what happens with ICS! I might have a great spare phone for once! If nothing else, I could learn how to root!
Mike thats what I did I kept my Bionic I got a brand new Rezound with head phones in the box for$150 + they threw in extended battery and didnt have to use upgrade I couldnt pass that up. The OTA I was talking about was for the Bionic. I dont think it was a soak test they just sent it to the testers whatever that means.
data connection issues

I am in the Chicagoland area and have been experiencing data connection issues since I bought the phone, which only got worse after the last update. :mad: Every time my screen is locked I lose connection, and when I unlock it takes five to ten to sometimes even 20 min before it comes back on, if at all. As such, I get no notifications (except for text messages) unless I am actively using my phone (INFURIATING). Does anyone know how to fix this or if there are any plans to fix this? Does the Razr have the same issues? Will they replace my Bionic with a razor? I love my Bionic (when it works) and want something comparable. :frown:
I am in the Chicagoland area and have been experiencing data connection issues since I bought the phone, which only got worse after the last update. :mad: Every time my screen is locked I lose connection, and when I unlock it takes five to ten to sometimes even 20 min before it comes back on, if at all. As such, I get no notifications (except for text messages) unless I am actively using my phone (INFURIATING). Does anyone know how to fix this or if there are any plans to fix this? Does the Razr have the same issues? Will they replace my Bionic with a razor? I love my Bionic (when it works) and want something comparable. :frown:

Do you have any battery saver apps or even the one pre installed? They kill the data when in sleep mode and then will take a while to kick back on. If so, try disabling and see if it helps

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
I have juice defender (or did--I will uninstall if it will fix the connectivity issues) but what is the factory installed one? Can it be removed or deactivated? And how?:blink:
It is battery and data manager in settings. It probably is fine if you haven't messed with it.
I also tried juice defender and had the same result as you so I deleted it. If you want good battery get the extended battery. I took my phone off the charger this morning at 6 and now I am at 29%.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
I have juice defender (or did--I will uninstall if it will fix the connectivity issues) but what is the factory installed one? Can it be removed or deactivated? And how?:blink:

Im in chicago area to around Ohara field data is pretty good here 4G but if I leave it thats when I have troubles. You can exchange it for a razr or Rez neither one have the data problem always in 4G is **** for battery life I get about 10 hrs on the extended everything on heavy use. I use about 10 to 12 gb a month no streaming just internet talk and text. Hopefully 901 or 902 will fix data.
I was having the same problem in Virginia Beach. I tried everything. The only thing that fixed it was a Rezound. I really liked the Bionic but was having too many issues. The Rezound is a great phone and is helping me forget the frustrations I was having.

Wood, the Rezound is everything you said it would be! I love it!! Although I do miss swype!

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You say apples and oranges, but accessing these towers still happens using hardware, whether it be a rezound or a bionic. The fact that the bionic can't do it effectively shows there's a problem with it. I am on the 901 update and it's not much better. But since you seem to be the know all, let me in on the secret!
This is for ex0rcist.
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
Crash your one of the few that got 901 and havent seen a difference or just one of the few that said it. I got a Rezound data drops are a thing of the past. I also kept my Bionic so I am deffinetly still looking for input. I was just gonna flash 901 when the rummors about 902 started now Im back to wanting to do it again. lol

Mike757 How you liking that Rez after a couple days? I think mine gets better every day.
I guess my problem is I'm a Motorola guy. It started with the Razr way back when. Every time Motorola came out with a new phone I upgraded. This is the first time I've felt screwed. After the first week with the Bionic I wanted to go back to my Droid X, but I let Verizon talk me into keeping it. After the fourth Bionic I really thought I had had enough. But guess what? They talked me into another one. Got the fifth one on the 886 , then updated to 901. The 901 is better but I still have data issues. Now while I was waiting for #5 to come in I used my wife's Incredible 2 and never lost data, more than that it never lost the tower it started with some 60 miles away. Thats what makes me believe it's a problem with Bionic. I've tried to be a loyal Motorola customer but after this I think I'm done. Maybe it's the 4g. Where I'm at we have no 4g. Now I would love someone to solve my problem
Ex0rcist you out there?

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
I guess my problem is I'm a Motorola guy. It started with the Razr way back when. Every time Motorola came out with a new phone I upgraded. This is the first time I've felt screwed. After the first week with the Bionic I wanted to go back to my Droid X, but I let Verizon talk me into keeping it. After the fourth Bionic I really thought I had had enough. But guess what? They talked me into another one. Got the fifth one on the 886 , then updated to 901. The 901 is better but I still have data issues. Now while I was waiting for #5 to come in I used my wife's Incredible 2 and never lost data, more than that it never lost the tower it started with some 60 miles away. Thats what makes me believe it's a problem with Bionic. I've tried to be a loyal Motorola customer but after this I think I'm done. Maybe it's the 4g. Where I'm at we have no 4g. Now I would love someone to solve my problem
Ex0rcist you out there?

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums

Had data issues until we got 4g now its been a perfect phone for like 3 or 4 months now. All other 4g phones are having data drops depending on their location. Just one of the problems of being an early adopter of 4g. I really don't think they were ready to push all these 4g phones out. I'm just glad i'm one of the lucky ones because this phone is bad ass.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums