Who's the one being negative here with their absolutism? Nobody is complaining, we're having a discussion.
I love my Droid 4. Wouldn't trade it for the world. In fact, I explicitly said in my post... "Again, I love love love this phone and am not complaining, just wishing (like many others) that it were *slightly* better as far as keyboard layout goes."
Doesn't mean there aren't a few things I wish they had thought about a little more. I love my car, but I wish there were some features it had that were different. Doesn't mean I'm going to trade it in just because those are missing. Do you mean to tell me everything in your life is perfect and there's nothing you ever wish was a little different or better? Does that mean you want to trade your entire life in? Of course not.
Forums like these exist for discussion of things like this. It's how Motorola learns, it's how we learn. On another forum, a discussion about the physical keyboard led me to a button remapping app that is likely to fix the issues I have with the keyboard. Without a discussion like this I would have never known that app existed. I appreciate your opinion but, like the others in this thread, disagree with you - I hope one day you can open up your mind to simple, polite discussion. It is the backbone of the Android community and has been for years. If it bothers you so much to read, don't open threads like this where the rest of us are trying to talk out our (minimal) issues with an otherwise amazing phone.
Um. Some people do trade their entire life in. They move to another country. Or just move to another city. Or just out of their parents house.
Same with cars. Yes if you're unhappy you trade it in if and when you can. That's why there are used cars for sale.
And yes people trade their phones in for other phones when they're not happy. I could link quite a few posts from this forum of poeple doing just that. Even for the fruit product phone. Or a basic phone.
And you really think Moto reads these forums? Really? Maybe, but with other opinions, like mine, they take all those in and think "we did pretty good, about half like it and half hate it.
Like you and others said. This forum is for discussion. That's all I'm doing is discussing the keyboard. I don't think the shift is out of place. Nor the caps lock. It's 10x better then my Droid 1.
Oh, someone mentioned how being a temporary secretary makes me more adapt at adjusting to different keyboards. Every use a memory typewriter? A 1997 computer keyboard? An erogomic keyboard? A typewriter without a correction tape on it? And off the job, because we were so poor, I used a manual typewriter in high school bought from a second hand store. When I took a shorthand night class I used the school ugly brown typewriters that I first learned to type on in 9th grade. How about a funky job service typewriter or computer to take a type test on to get a job? A 10" netbook keyboard (my current home computer)?
I really could go on but I think you get the point.
I was being polite.
I wish the posters who responded to mine where.
They were just plain rude.:icon_ cry:
I was glad the thread was closed.
They took a simple suggestion to try to stay more positive about their purchase and turned it into outright hatred.