Roger that; "if you use Swiftkey" then "the layout isn't that bad" -- you're right.
If you reviewed this thread before posting in it, then you noticed my post of Feb 25 above which discusses the misunderstanding between two typist styles.
You have identified yourself as primarily a one-finger typist. This means you are using the D4 hard QWERTY keyboard like people use a virtual keyboard. You don't really need the D4. Swype will very possibly be even faster for you than Swiftkey.
But for those who touch-type and watch the copy or the display as they type -- and for whom word completion serves no purpose, except occasionally as a spell-checker -- the D4 keyboard layout remains a major disappointment and a caricature of what it should have been, despite its admittedly fine feel.
Perspective instantiates reality.
( By DX w/DF app. )
You know what happens when you assume, right? ;-) I am a touch typist.
Swiftkey is still awesome because: For quick messages with the hardware keyboard in it is the best virtual keyboard around (I have used Swype and FlexT9, always go back to Swiftkey). When you are using the hardware keyboard, it's still awesome because it has next word prediction, allowing you to hit the spacebar to autocomplete a word. The idea that word prediction and completion is useless for touch typists is just silly. That might be your preference, but it is not universal.
Also, the layout is not so substantially different that it isn't learnable. Every keyboard I have ever used has small differences that slow typing down until you get 'the feel' for the keyboard. It is still recognizable QWERTY. While I agree a caps lock key is silly (why would you ever need that on a phone), it doesn't 'ruin' the keyboard...