if verizon would just make AN OFFICIAL STATEMENT THAT:
1. they know about the problem
2. they are working on a solution
with or without a time estimate for its "fix"
just stupid business sense
to be frank, i am curious as to what you've personally done to get an official statement out of VZW and on the forum? griping in this thread isn't getting the problem any closer to being solved. it actually lengthens the thread to the point that others with similar problems are not reading it completely and/or are unable to follow the dilemma ...then adding to the confusion.
It worked for a while this morning...but when I tried to get directions for a restaurant, gps failed.
Will return it tonight and wait a few weeks and see what develops.
I give up.
personally, i have just accepted the fact that the GPS isn't working and will wait until it does. anyone who bought the Droid solely because of GPS has a screw loose. i'm not going to make a car purchase strictly on the fact of whether or not it has a GPS built into the dash. there are plenty of phones with GPS and Google Maps ...but there is only one Verizon Droid. sure, it sucks that it doesn't work, but from what we've gathered it's not the phone's fault. it's our accounts. although, on some small scale it could send a message to VZW, otherwise exchanging the phone is pointless if you are immediately going to repurchase it when the GPS problem is solved.
...i think these all add up to more confusion:
1) is it really aGPS/PRL related? remember this is still speculation.
2) anyone who actually has citied that VZW is working on the problem has failed to say where they got the information.
3) are the people posting that their GPS working in this thread aware that if they do not have a refugeed Alltel account
AND ALSO live in the Tampa area, their feedback is pretty much useless to us? people are not reading the entire thread.
our GPS is not giving us wrong locations - it is not giving us any location because is does not see any sats ...different problem.
4) powering/resetting/exchanging the phone has been done and does NOT solve the problem
THIS GROUP is having (this is a reset for phones with properly functioning systems). not to mention the idea is simply ridiculous to do everytime you want GPS to MAYBE work. all of us have experienced a functional GPS at some point. i can get mine working by driving across the courtney-campbell and leaving the screen on 24/7. to me, that is not a "fix"
5) stating you have a problem/answer without a location and original carrier info in your UserCP or signature. not helping!