How to get your GPS (temporarily) working.
OK, we all know there is an issue with the GPS.
So you're absolutely itching to get some cool turn-by turn navigation, even if its only for your drive to work tomorrow?
This almost always works:
(nothing earth-shattering--just a little experience, and some common sense here)
1. If you have not already done so, download and install GPS Status from the android market
2. Before you go to bed for the night, plug your Droid in near (6-10 inches from) a window in your house
3. Start the GPS status program, and place the phone as close to the window as possible
4. leave it overnight.
5. By morning you will PROBABLY have a 10/10 GPS lock, and it will keep that lock**
6. **Here's the rub: If your phone goes into standby (black screen) for more than 1-2 minutes, or you close all GPS apps for more than 2 minutes, you'll lose the lock. as long as you keep google maps, navigation, or GPS status open, and the phone on (like plugged in your car's cig lighter, or set the apps to keep the phone from powering off), you will keep your lock indefinitely!
7. At least you can play like a real Verizon customer for one car trip!