if verizon would just make AN OFFICIAL STATEMENT THAT:
1. they know about the problem
2. they are working on a solution
with or without a time estimate for its "fix"
just stupid business sense
to be frank, i am curious as to what you've personally done to get an official statement out of VZW and on the forum? griping in this thread isn't getting the problem any closer to being solved. it actually lengthens the thread to the point that others with similar problems are not reading it completely and/or are unable to follow the dilemma ...then adding to the confusion.
1. i didn't buy the phone for its gps capabilities.
that's would be dumb as he__
i have several other gps units
2. i've talked with verizon PLENTY
i'm NOT their "USUAL" customer
they get about $4,000.00 of MY money every month of the year
not just for wireless... but, for a T1 for my business phones, etc
so... i think that i have a RIGHT to demand that they publicly announce the issues and what they are doing to fix them
3. verizon is being UNwise by keeping this under wraps
after all... it's the holiday season and THOUSANDS OF SHOPPERS are considering the DROID vs. iPhone issues
it would behoove verizon to fix this problem immediately and or tell us IN PLAIN ENGLISH why they can't
getting a different answer from every level-1 tech makes me wonder if they educate these folks AT ALL before putting them on the phone
as for MY griping lengthening this thread....
it's made others chime in with THEIR experience(s), thereby letting us know that it is a LARGE problem and not just some motorola-related error in manufacturing
i'm not trying to offend
maybe YOUR nickname here is more TELLING than i originally thought...