Well then goodbye. I told you, it IS a defect, you WILL get another droid that does this. It just so happens that it doesnt happen with ever set of headphones. Why this is, I don't know, but its true. Also, whether or not Motorola has acknowledged the issue I also don't know, but I do know that they will not be fixing it. No phone company would ever invest the money to fix a hardware issue, it's not worth it. They'll just release a new phone. And now that the D1 is discontinued and we have the DI and DX plus the D2 and DPro on the horizon, theres no chance in hell of the issue being fixed. Phones have problems sometimes, its a fact of life in the electronics world. Go buy an IPhone 4, and kiss your reception goodbye unless you don't mind using the (required) case at all times. You weigh the pros and cons, and hopefully you do your research before you buy, so you know the cons before purchasing. To me, the headphone issue isn't important, I rarely use headphones. But the reception thing with the iPhone would drive me nuts (not that I'd ever buy an apple product). Look at the DI, its been out for a while, so the defects are pretty well established.its actually a very common problem with droids. ive heard its from using low end headphones. could be that or a technical spec IMO. my cheap headphones cause it to freak out, but it works fine on a 3.5>>tape deck convertercrappy headphones, bent or broken wires in the headphone jack on the headphones. i plug my headphones in for 2 hours every night when i practice with a metronome app before bed and i don't have any issues.
i also ride my bike at least 4 afternoons each week and i use the cardio app and music app with my headphones and i have no problems during those sessions either. a lot of people are just rough on their things and don't take care of them and then blame it on someone or something else (crappy phone, faulty jack, etc.)
Hmm... I wouldn't say I have high end headphones, but they're certainly not low end. Regardless, I've never heard of iPhones or the Galaxy S line having the same issue with low end headphones. I'm not sure why people can't admit that there might just be a build defect with the phone. As I said, I'm on my 5th Droid. If this happens again, I'm done for good.
But those have no keyboardHopefully droid 2 will be offered as a replacement down the line.
I was on the phone with an asurion rep yesterday and got her to kindly let me know that the droid x WILL be an available replacement soon. She was not able to give me a solid date but said it will be available shortly. I was on the phone not even ten minutes before i was offered an incredible and was told that there were more D1's in stock right now. my advice to you guys would be to hold on to you broken d1's until a solid upgrade is offered. I'm waiting for the x. and as far as calling asurion, noone knows the d1 better than the people on this forum, to get what you want, use the knowledge you have of this phone to prove the phones they are currently offering arent comparable. Thats what I did and i was offered an incredible off the bat and was later told the droid x will be offered as a replacement, directly from the first asurion rep I spoke with over the phone.:reddroid: