Its not that hard for anyone who doubts what I say to call Asurion yourself and confirm. The VZW rep didnt understand it either, and when he called...he was also told that they would no longer get refurbs or new droids. Not even backordered.
I had the same argument, I pay to insure my droid...not another phone. So I expect to get a droid, not what ever other smartphone they choose to give me. And if they cant supply what I PAY FOR...the choice should be mine as to which phone I want. I told them I would even take an Incredible, but said the Desire was my only choice. Assurions logic mad no sense. Thank god the reps at Verizon are as good as they are. Assurion need to take some customer service training from VZW.
Mac….we believe you.
The question is what is the situation. From what you say it makes it sound like there will never be anymore Droids. This just doesn't make sense.
Now I went to their website and here's the policy on replacement:
Coverage objective is to fulfill claims with the same make and model you claim. If your model is not available, a like-kind make and model will be substituted.
So it's right there in the policy. If they run out they can substitute. So we can all cancel our insurance or hope they get more in stock. I believe they will get more in stock.
Whats the verbage for "like kind" The droid has an external keyboard, eris does not, that shouldnt be constituted as "like kind".
Wow, great point.