Agreed. The setup I am experimenting with now looks like this:
Trigger: WIFI Connection
Actions: Cellular Data (Disabled)
2 Battery Extender
Triggers: Display Off
Not Charging
No Movement
Actions: GPS Off
Background Sync disabled
Cellular Data disabled
On top of that I obviously have some nighttime Rules which more or less doesn't help because it is on a charger. They more or less just turn off ringer etc. etc.
I have had this phone since 11/10 and have consistently gotten upper double digits before having to re-charge. Up until today I have had 4G constantly on, Wifi on 80% of the time, background sync on, data on, Google location on, 2 business email accounts pushing to my phone, as well as two gmail accounts. Display on automatic. I have been consistenly playing with the device, getting emails pushed , and the occasional text and phone call (average to heavy use). Coming from the Droid Charge, I believe that the RAZR's battery is better with the right Smart Actions. The real test will come tomorrow when I have hundreds of emails pushed to my device and now having these smart actions implemented. Overall pleased, blown away, no, but very pleased.