[FONT=georgia,serif]I've been concerned about the battery life on the Razr, and have been reading these posts fairly consistently. My battery life seemed initially poor - blitzed out in about 6 hours after a full charge, but on the first day of use = screen on virtually all the time as I downloaded apps and configured the phone, and sampled all of the features, including the energy-hogging heavy 4G use items. I subsequently went through the battery meter conditioning routine two cycles in a row - run to zero, then uninterrupted continuous full charge to 100 %. All of this occurred over the weekend of 11/10-13.[/FONT][FONT=georgia,serif]
[FONT=georgia,serif]Following this, I set up several of the smart actions, basically using one of them for virtually any circumstance in which I would find myself throughout the day, and used the phone as I regularly would during my usual work day. I also deleted any widgets which access the web all the time, and cut back on the frequency that my phone updated the weather settings, etc. During the work day, once removed from the charger in the morning, I didn't charge the phone up, and just let it run down as I used it. I have WiFi both at home and at work, via which I accessed the web and g-mail (cellular data disabled in smart actions, except when I am out and about in the car). When out and about, I leave the cellular access at 3G unless I need to download quickly, at which time I turn on the 4G. So far there have been very few instances when I actually needed 4G speeds. (Additionally, this device seems to interact at 3G much quicker than did my Droid 2 - could it be the faster processors can handle the in-streaming data more readily ??)[/FONT]
[FONT=georgia,serif]This morning, I unplugged at 8:00 with battery at 100% and drove to work. I used the phone intermittently during the day to place and receive calls, review my pushed g-mail messages (including reviewing attachments and looking at embedded links on the web), and accessed the web several times to do searches and look up items. I also have several databases on my phone that I access regularly. By lunch time, I was at 70% - not bad for 1/2 a work day. By 5 PM, I was at 50%, at which time I headed off to a meeting. The meeting was fairly boring, and I spent about 20-30 minutes surreptitiously surfing the web via WiFi. By the end of the 1.5 hour meeting, I was at 40%.[/FONT]
[FONT=georgia,serif]It is now 9:40 PM, over 13 hours since I unplugged from the charger, and since coming home I've checked my g-mail, and looked at Facebook for the last 30 minutes (WiFi) - I'm at 30% (battery voltage 3728 mV). This is WAY better than I got with my Droid 2, which was much slower accessing the web at 3G, and would have been out of juice by 5 PM with a typical day's use. The device also handles high bandwidth streaming efficiently. The other night, I watched TV on slingbox for about 20 minutes, then watched an hour of a movie streaming on Netflix, after which the battery had dropped only 10%[/FONT]
[FONT=georgia,serif]At first, I was disappointed with the battery life on this device, but now, after learning how to maximized the smart actions, it's great - more than enough juice to last a full work day, and I'm not giving anything up in terms of speed or functionality. This phone is fast and has a beautiful screen. It is true that things seem to improve after the first few days, with normalization of usage patterns, and with settling in of the battery meter accuracy. I definitely believe it is of value to condition the meter as described above.. Lastly, the smart actions really seem to result in having readily available the features you need, while eliminating the energy-wasting features you don't need. My advise; spend some time carefully setting up smart actions for your work and home situations, and then tweak them as you use them to maximize your battery life.[/FONT]
[FONT=georgia,serif]I'll report back when I have more information.[/FONT]