They have better screen technology and are using the waaaay slower, much less battery-intensive HSPA+.
The screen on this thing is really sucking up some energy, it's like 30x worse than on my Droid X.. I heard somewhere that SAMOLEDs and whites don't mix so I tried using Screen Filter, but I still only managed to get 6 hours yesterday, and I used maybe 50 MB of data?
Granted, it's only my third day, so battstats.bin probably doesn't know what's going on yet, but still, I have JuiceDefender Ultimate (with AOSP Helper), a bunch of Smart Actions, brightness all of the way down, all sync options off, AutoKiller Memory Optimizer on Optimum (Strict w/ screen off), Screen Filter, no Live Wallpaper, In-Pocket Detection off*
... That's awful.
* IF YOU HAVE IN-POCKET DETECTION ON, TURN IT OFF ASAP. It PLOWS through your battery and reports it as Android OS because it needs the proximity sensor on constantly (this is probably the reason why some of you have 80% from Android OS -- I have 24% with it off, but yesterday when I was testing, it was at 92%[!!!!] which is just downright unacceptable.)