So there's a different tool called "battery extender" on the Razr? Or is "battery extender" a Smart Actions trigger/action?
It's a Smart Actions trigger and some of us are modifying it to add "Cellular Data Disable" (4G off) as another action once it's triggered.So there's a different tool called "battery extender" on the Razr? Or is "battery extender" a Smart Actions trigger/action?
So there's a different tool called "battery extender" on the Razr? Or is "battery extender" a Smart Actions trigger/action?
Day 5 and my battery life keeps getting better. I am at 13 hours and 2 minutes with 50% battery. This is a full day with my normal use including calls, email, web and about 20 minutes of streaming Netflix for my kids. Smart Actions are amazing.
Nice. What is your smart action set up and are you using 4 or 3g? So you have any email pushing our pulling to your phone?
Sent from my DROID RAZR using DroidForums
I am using the same Smart Actions that are listed above. The main one saving the juice is the no cell data when on wifi. I am on wifi at work and home so I just use 4G when I am in the car, at lunch or running errands. I do have email pushed to my phone with Exchange so I did not turn off background data synch for battery saving, have to get those emails! I have some pics I will post later...
Sorry, no screen cap app so I did it the old fashioned way..
View attachment 42574View attachment 42575
Also, what is up with the Android OS always being on top? If I recall correctly, when I was doing these battery "tests" with my DInc, DX1 and Charge, the "Android OS" was never on top. Maybe I'm losing my mind, but pretty sure it wasn't.
Not sure. I haven't rebooted since I bought it, kinda scared to, but I will tonight so I can get a fresh read...